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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Very Sad Weekend :(

This is a very sad weekend for me. I lost Angel May on Saturday morning. I had her to the Emergency Vet Hospital in Melbourne on Thursday night and they told me she had a urinary tract infection as well as being dehydrated. They sent her home and between Jenny and I, we took care of her. On Saturday morning when I went to get her for a vet appointment, I found her under my bed, she had just passed away. After a lot of crying, Ron came over and he, Jenny and I buried her under Jenny's rubber tree. I miss her so much it hurts. There are still tears flowing at times, but I know it was for the best. I think that the stress of the move, her in the car for so long, and something else going on with her happened. She was about 12 1/2 years old, and now she is with Snowball, April, and Tammy along with being with mom who will look after her for me. There is a big empty hole in my heart right now and it is going to take some time to get over. The other girls are doing OK and I need to spend some time with them and keep them safe too.

The house is coming along slowly. With getting up around 3:30 or 4 in the morning and by the time I get out at 2:45 and get to Ron and Jenny's and change then get over to the house, I only have a few hrs a day to clean. I have to be back for dinner, then it is to bed because of getting up so early. So it is taking some time to get things done. The kitchen is about half way done. Cabinets and stove need to be cleaned, then it is complete. I want to set up the bedroom and Florida rooms next along with the master bath. the Florida room is not to bad, but the master bath, that is going to take some scrubbing. I did find out, Florida does have some really large bugs, which I am in the process of taking care of.

Went for a traveling day yesterday, I think it was a way of keeping my mind off Angel. Ron and Jenny took me to some different stores, out to lunch at Chili's, which has some great food, and the library. They had a special dinner for me in honor of Angel. Just thinking about it, make my eyes tear up. I was so glad that Jenny was there with me when I found Angel.

Alice, thank you so much for my Birthday/home warming gift. You know it is going to come in very handy, that is for sure.

Sorry to hear that the weather is not going so well up there, snow and snow showers? It has been nice down here, around 80 every day. We had some rain yesterday, but not for too long. It was overcast all day though.

I am looking forward to hearing from every one soon, I hope. Just drop me an email and let me know what is going on.

Love and miss you all.

As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay safe, healthy and happy.

Love Jo

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hi everyone, another week done!

Hi all, I finished my first week at work, it has been a long one. Being a DYI person, I am so enjoying my time at Home Depot. I started out in orientation all day on Monday and Tuesday, a lot of computer work. I did get certified on the cherry picker and the electric ladder. The cherry picker, for those who I use to work with, it is the lift truck that warehouse uses, the stand up one. I am so tired, every day the time was getting earlier and earlier. I am getting use to getting up early again. I now work 5:45 to 2:45 pm, and travel to a different store every day. I am going to be in the Palm Bay store on Monday and Tuesday to finish up with some of the orientation on the computer, get certified in the radial arm saw cutter and the circular saw cutter, along with making keys and cutting chain and rope. It will be off to the hand power tool trade show on Wednesday and Friday. On Monday November 3, I will be on the floor as a member of the Merchandise Execution Team or MET team.

I did have a bad night on Thursday night. Angel May got sick and I had to take her the the emergency hospital vet, who said she was dehydrated, had a UTI, and was constipated. They filled her with antibiotics, fluids, and an enema and sent her home. It was all a result of the trip down and all the changes that have happened over the past 2 weeks. I have to take her to the vet on Saturday, the vet is the one Jen takes her animals to, and I met her on one of my trips down. She is so nice but the the Hospital cost me $270 that night, and I can not wait to see what this is going to cost, but she is worth every dollar spent. Jen said that she is very reasonable. Please say a prayer she is going to get well soon.

Well, I am getting very sleepy, I did not get to bed until after 11 last night and had to get up at 3 to go to Titusville this morning. I will write over the weekend and catch you up on other things. Love to all

You are in my thought and prayers always

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hey Everyone!

I finally made it! I packed until 2:30 am on Wednesday morning. I then got up about 7 in the morning. I had every intention of leaving by 10 am, but that did not happen either, I did leave by 10:30 after many hugs and tears. I was a little late in picking up Ron at the Scranton airport. He really enjoyed the trees and the colors throughout PA. He did not enjoy the cow, horse, and skunk smells on the way down. With every fill up, we switched the driving chores. I had my first experience driving a truck with a dolly behind it, different.

We arrived in Palm Bay about 8:10 am. We had no rain or any other type of weather while driving down, we were very lucky. Ron is just dictating that he got better gas mileage than I did, but he did not remember that he slept most of the way down either. I could not sleep in the truck, it was too uncomfortable. I unloaded my girls, which did not exactly enjoy the trip at all. They are just now coming out of hiding off and on. I think Angel is finally getting her sea legs, she was actually eating and drinking while I was working at the house. I finally found 2 of the other girls, who were hiding amongst the boxes and furniture. I was really worried about them, because I had not seen them in over 24 hours. I unloaded the rest of the car and we went over to Ron and Jenny's after I got my girls settled. It took a total of 20 hrs and 20 minutes to get down to Florida. We made very good time. When arriving at Ron and Jen's, we had every intention of crashing for a while, but by then I had my second wind and was raring to go. I had to go and see the girl from HR at Home Depot to get papers signed. That was another 45 minute trip back up to Titusville, north of Palm Bay.

I did explore when I got back to the Palm Bay area and went to a bunch of different stores. Thank goodness for the TomTom I bought myself for my birthday, it came in so handy! I use it where ever I go to find my way around.

On Friday I had every intention of getting my new drivers license, but that was not meant to be. On October 1st, Florida changed it so you have to have a Birth Certificate and a second form of Id to get the license. It took me most of the day to locate the birth certificate, too late to go to the license office or even the DMV to have the registration changed over. I did get my insurance changed over to Florida though, one down and a bunch to go.

On Saturday, I had to go and get some things from Home Depot, get a new checking account set up and then over to the house to sort through everything and do some cleaning. I got a lot done and found Jo Lynn and Annie hiding amongst the boxes in the living room. I brought them in to the bedroom and under my bed they went, an old familiar place. Had to go to the store to get some chicken wings for dinner tonight, but Ron worked all day and everyone was tired, so we are trying to decide where to go for dinner tonight, then home to bed!.

Well, that is all for tonight. I will write again tomorrow and let you know how things are going.
Love and miss you all, please keep in touch with me.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers. As always, stay safe, happy and healthy.