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Friday, October 24, 2008

Hi everyone, another week done!

Hi all, I finished my first week at work, it has been a long one. Being a DYI person, I am so enjoying my time at Home Depot. I started out in orientation all day on Monday and Tuesday, a lot of computer work. I did get certified on the cherry picker and the electric ladder. The cherry picker, for those who I use to work with, it is the lift truck that warehouse uses, the stand up one. I am so tired, every day the time was getting earlier and earlier. I am getting use to getting up early again. I now work 5:45 to 2:45 pm, and travel to a different store every day. I am going to be in the Palm Bay store on Monday and Tuesday to finish up with some of the orientation on the computer, get certified in the radial arm saw cutter and the circular saw cutter, along with making keys and cutting chain and rope. It will be off to the hand power tool trade show on Wednesday and Friday. On Monday November 3, I will be on the floor as a member of the Merchandise Execution Team or MET team.

I did have a bad night on Thursday night. Angel May got sick and I had to take her the the emergency hospital vet, who said she was dehydrated, had a UTI, and was constipated. They filled her with antibiotics, fluids, and an enema and sent her home. It was all a result of the trip down and all the changes that have happened over the past 2 weeks. I have to take her to the vet on Saturday, the vet is the one Jen takes her animals to, and I met her on one of my trips down. She is so nice but the the Hospital cost me $270 that night, and I can not wait to see what this is going to cost, but she is worth every dollar spent. Jen said that she is very reasonable. Please say a prayer she is going to get well soon.

Well, I am getting very sleepy, I did not get to bed until after 11 last night and had to get up at 3 to go to Titusville this morning. I will write over the weekend and catch you up on other things. Love to all

You are in my thought and prayers always

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