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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day.

This photo was taken by Joe, what a talent he has.

It is a special day that anyone can tell their family and friends how much they care. My thoughts are you should always let the special people in your life know how much you care for them everyday. You never know when or if you will ever see them again.

So this special message is for everyone that has ever touched my life, I thank God that he brought you into my life and you will always be part of it. I do not care if it was from my past, present, or as he graces me with new friends and family in the future, Thanks for being part of it.

The weather is cloudy right now here. The weather channel said it was suppose to be partly sunny and in the low 80's here. I do not know, there still is some fog, but the clouds are very thick here. I have all the windows and screen doors open and there is a gentle breeze coming in.

House hunting is going slow. I found one and have been going back and forth with the bank for the past week. Now the bank lowers the price and some one else has entered the bidding war. This is proving to be very frustrating for me. I have asked my agent to show me some other homes just in case. I will keep you up on the out come. Please say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed that I win the bid, otherwise, I guess it was not meant to be. Wish me luck.

I have not heard from anyone in a long time. I am wondering if everyone fell off the edge of the earth? I understand that everyone is busy, but a short note is not hard on the computer, especially since everyone has to answer e-mail. I am guilty of it too, so to those who have written, I am sorry I did not get back to you in a timely manner. I will make it a point to keep in contact with everyone that sends me a note. Those who do keep in contact, thank you, you bring a piece of life to me down here.

Weather is on right now and it looks like the race is going to get wet, both the sprint cup and the nationwide series. Looks like Monday is going to be the day that it will be run. I was offered a chance to go to the 500, but it was such short notice that I just could not do it, money is short to with buying a house. What a chance and I turn it down, I have to question why. All you race fans understand what I am saying. Right now tickets are only 55 dollars and still available. the ticket I was offered was 365 in the Earnhardt tower 2 sections from the start finish line, and it was free. What, am I nuts? Oh well, life goes on, I will sit and watch it tomorrow on TV if it is run, otherwise, I will copy and watch it Monday.

My girls are doing well. Angelica loves to sit at the sliding doors and watch the birds at the feeder. She lays on the pillow and just stares out. I had a whole flock of birds feeding across my lawn. I do not know what kind they were, but they are native to FL and protected. On the street signs, they show the birds crossing the road and you have to watch out for them. I have the usual blue jays, cardinals, doves, and woodpeckers with the red head at the feeders as well as black weird birds too. I have thistle food out, but no little birds yet. They are nice to listen to during the day.

Well everyone, I hope that you all enjoy this day and just give a hug to family and friends and wish them well. I send a hug to everyone and wish I could give it to you myself. I will be up in NY on Friday February 27Th, and will be leaving about 1:30 to 2pm to head back to FL. via car. Please pray for safe travel in both directions.

Nancy sent me a photo of Joe and Ede. What a nice couple. I wish them both all the happiness for their future plans, what ever they may be.

Love to everyone, and as always you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Stay safe, happy and healthy.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joanne,
As you know, John had a radio-control plane show at the Southside Mall on Valentine's Day from 10 to 4. He left here shortly after 8 am to set up. It was a quiet day here. I made little heart-shaped carrot cakes with cream cheese frosting for the snack-time at church on Sunday. We are wishing you well on finding just the right house!
Love From Us Both,
Nancy and John

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Jo,

Sorry we missed you last weekend... We went out for lunch...it was a nice treat! We have been so busy here...and I have a feeling it will get even busier! David goes in for Kindergarten reg. on March 30th ...YIKES!