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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hello everyone

Well, the news is good so far. I am waiting for a window to be repaired and then the closing can happen at my new home (pictures are in the photo gallery). We were all set to close on Monday or Tuesday and I received a call that a kid broke the master bedroom window and the whole window needs to be replaced and it will take 2 weeks from ordering to installation. Eric and the mortgage company are trying to get somethings worked out and maybe we can close the end of next week. Please say a prayer things work out.

Diane and John made it down here. It was a long ride and I was all set to switch driving with Diane and she kept saying no, she said she was just grateful for me being there and having someone to talk with. I did help her with her mom in the car during the trip with her meals, drinks and snacks, which she was very grateful for. I finally got to drive on the 4th leg of the trip and it felt great. It was from GA to Palm Coast in FL. I wanted to continue to drive home, but Diane wanted to drive again, so she did.

I did get to see the family for a short time. I know I was there to get the Rizzos down here, but Diane said it was ok to go over and see the family, she knew how much my family means to me and she knew how much I missed them, so she said for me to go over when I get home and say hi, which I did. Each one had something for me, I know Diane did not have much room so most of the things I kept at my feet during the trip. I picked up my baby cooler for work, a roll of shrink wrap for my move, Amy gave me a DVD of Elizabeth and all the new thinks she is now doing. Sue gave me my favorites to bring home and eat, banana bread with nuts and 2 large containers of vegetable soup. Diane, John, Eve and I intend to eat all of it. I thank all of you who came to see me, even though I would loved to spend more time, the short time I did have was special. Thanks for all the hugs, I got to bring them home with me and can keep them close.

When we got home, everyone unloaded the car and we got mom to bed. I wrangled my cats in to my room and let the dogs in. Evie managed to stay awake almost the whole trip. She nodded off every once and a while. Everyone was over tired and nerves were at edge. John came home from taking Ron to his house and we managed to get his truck in to my garage. He came in and sat in my chair shoes off and dozed off. Diane wanted to go to the store and get some shopping done, then come home and lay down. I told her to rest and she said she would rather get the shopping done early and come home change and relax and have dinner. I cooked dinner on the grill, hot dogs and hamburgers. It was nothing fancy but boy did it taste good. Everyone really enjoyed having it cooked on the grill. It also helped we had a few glass of wine with dinner, watched a little tv, talked and finally decided we were tired enough to hit the hay.

I did finally get my car from the airport, and it cost me $18! That was for only and day and a half, how expensive. Oh well, what could I do, it's home.

Today has been really relaxing, which we all needed. John has been walking outdoors all day and enjoying it so much. Trixie and buttons have a great new friend, Penny. She is a collie that lives next door. They run up and down the fence and sniff each other. It is so good to see her active outdoors. Diane said that mom even looks better today. A small bit more alert, but she still realizes mom has issues that she can not handle. Diane is so much more relaxed today and it is good to see it and hear it in her voice.

That was our trip and we are all glad it is over with. Now to get their house so they can get settled.

I am waiting to hear how Alice is doing with all the testing her Dr. is having her do. Have heard from Jeanne on the Island which was good. A few friends from my old job wrote and it was great to hear from them too. I still need to write back and I will shortly.

Well, John asked me to go to see my house and I told him I would. He just wants to get out and look at the area. I am happy to do it.
As always everyone please stay safe, happy and healthy. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

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