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Sunday, November 11, 2007

BURRRRR it's COLD here!

This is Joseph and one of the photo's he took. He is very talented when taking photo's. I do have a link to his site and some of his photo's on my gallery page. Hope you enjoy them, they make good desktop photo's, I know, I use them often.
I woke up this morning about 5:30, the temperature was 18.1, the sky was clear, the stars were out and beautiful. I knew it was going to be the coldest night yet, but did not expect it to get that cold. There was fog hanging over everything too. Talk about frost, anything that survived the past frosts, surely did not survive this one. After the snow yesterday, I think I will pull the snow blower out and put it beside the stoop, just in case. I really don't expect to have any accumulating snow in the near future, but it does not hurt to be ready.

The birds are at both my bird feeders. I even see the Cardinals are here too, both male and female. The blue jays are here as well as a variety of small birds. I wish I could share this time with you, they are so beautiful.

I was kind of blue yesterday, but that changed when I heard from my special friend. I have been trying to get my class done so I can concentrate on getting my projects done for school and graduate. I just found out the university has periodic graduation ceremony's. I just may find out when the next one will be after I complete my semester and fly down and have an official graduation ceremony.

I heard from Kim yesterday. She wants to see how much the downstairs of the fire hall will be to hold Amy's wedding there. She asked if I would be willing to put in some money for the rental of the hall. I told her I needed to know how much first. My money is very tight right now. I think it is very nice that she is willing to do this for her sister. Amy has invited about 20 people to the wedding and she wanted to hold it in her mom's house. I do not think you can fit that many people in a trailer. I hope Diane understands why Kim wants to do this and I hope Kim and Diane can put their differences aside and start talking with each other on the wedding.

Not much else is really going on today so I will close now. I will have more news next week with Ruth and Jesse's wedding on Saturday.

My love to all. As always, you all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

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