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Saturday, November 10, 2007

The First Real Snowfall

I woke up this morning to a blanket of snow on the ground and about an inch or more on my car. It is not much, but it is white. I have included the pictures in my gallery. I really hope you all enjoy them.

I had my hair cut yesterday. I hope you enjoy the photo, it is a little windblown.

Life has been very uneventful here this week. Amy had her ultrasound and they have photos of the baby. Jason was present when they did the ultrasound and was very excited too. I wish them both the best. Amy picked out her crib, but has nothing else. Diane is buying little things, but Amy and Jason are really starting from scratch. Their wedding is coming up quickly, December 1st.

Ruth and Jesse are getting married on the 17th of November and I am looking forward to going to the wedding. Jesse is due to come up this Monday and Ruth is so excited. It has been months since she saw him. Her face just lights up when she speaks about him.

Next week is Thanksgiving. It is going to be a busy week for me. I have my blood work that has to be done on Wednesday, I have to get stamps for my Christmas Cards, and I think I may drive down to Chris's that night and stay over. I plan on coming home on Thursday night. On Friday I want to get the Cards out. I know that Black Friday is a day I don't want to go near any stores, too many people. If I don't get the Christmas tree up on Wednesday, I will be putting it up on Friday. I will put the lights on it and Nancy will decorate it when she gets home. I am really going to enjoy having Wednesday to Sunday off. Unfortunatlly, I have to make up an hour on Monday or Tuesday for the hour I will be missing on Wednesday, a job thing.

This Thursday and Friday, the plant will be giving out turkeys to all the employees. The turkeys will be averaging about 22-24 lbs. They are usually pretty tastey. Mine will be going in the freezer.

Since Christmas and snow are my favorite times of the year, I found this poem and thought you may enjoy it.

In His Hands

The Hands that made the world and gave the sun and moon their light
And the tiny Hands of a baby born one cold December night….
The Hands that stilled the wind and tamed the furry of the sea
And the calloused Hands of a carpenter who lived in poverty…
The Hands that held the power to break the binding chains of sin
are the gentle hands that washed the feet of the tired and dusty men…
The Hands that cleansed the leper, healed the blind and raised the dead
Are the praying Hands of the one who cried, “Not My will, but Thine instead…”
The Hands that shaped the universe and flung the stars in space
Are the nail-pierced hands of a dying man who suffered in our place…
The Hands of our creator, Lord and King of Heaven above
Are the Saviors Hands, forever reaching out to us with love.

I am going to close this blog for today. I may write some more tomorrow, we will see.

As always, you all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

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