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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Good Sunday Morning Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Life is wonderful! Went to a beautiful wedding yesterday. Jesse and Ruth were married at the Mt Vision Baptist Church. What a beautiful bride. She wore her mothers veil and her dress was beautiful, the whole wedding party looked great! I have a few photos, my camera batteries died when the pastor and Ruth were walking down the isle. Pastor had a few good giggles added to the ceremony. The cake was really nice and had their monogram on it. Photos are on the gallery.

It is another cold morning here. The day time highs have only been about 35 or so. This morning it is a blue birdy day, with some dots of clouds in the sky. A nice frost on the ground just makes everything shimmer.

Amy and Jason's wedding is the next on the agenda. They will be married on December 1st at the Davenport Fire Hall with a small gathering to follow. Amy and Jason are getting so excited and I can not blame them with 2 happy events going on in their lives, the wedding then the birth of their first child in May. Everyone please say a special prayer for the happy couple and for a healthy and happy baby.

Well, Thanksgiving is this week. I am going to Chris and Kim's for Thanksgiving. We have really good cooks preparing the meal, and I know we all will be full when the dinner is over. I am looking forward to being with my family and wish everyone a "Happy Thanksgiving". I hope all that have to travel any distance, have a safe trip. I see the weather forecast here for Thursday, is not good. Looks like we are going to have a mix of rain and or snow showers. The temperatures are forecast to be in the low 40's during the day and in the 20's at night. I am planning on coming home from Chris and Kim's that night so I will have to drive with caution for interstate 81/88 may be slippery in spots with black ice.

To my new friends in FL, I know for sure that you will be having a good dinner, you have a fantastic cook. I wish I could be there to enjoy it with you. All of you will be on my mind and I will be there in spirit, especially if Ron happens to set a place for me again by accident, lol. Love to all of you! I am only a phone call away as you know will miss you guys.

Nothing else really happening here today. I wish you all again a "Happy Thanksgiving".

As always, you all are always in my thoughts and prayers!

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