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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Another damp day.

Well, today was suppose to be sunny, but it is not meant to be. The weather has taken a sharp change over the past few weeks. We now have normal average highs with a few degrees below the average some days. We are expecting some flurries Wednesday and Friday. I should see them because they will happen while I am driving to work at 5 am.

I am getting like a little child. Christmas is coming and it is my favorite time of the year. I really hope we will have snow for Christmas. It has gotten so commercial, which is sad. It still will not dampen my spirits. I know the season does not officially start until after Thanksgiving, black Friday. This will be the 7th year with out mom. I do need to get up to the cemetery and put her wreath on the stone before the cemetery closes.

Things have been going very well up here. I am very happy. I really think I may have found someone that I can be happy with. Keep your fingers and toes crossed.

Amy will be going for her ultrasound this week. She and Jason want to know the sex of the baby. Their wedding is coming up quick also. December 1st will be here before you know it.

I imed with Joe the other night, he sounds good. He was at work so we could not talk too long. I told him I was looking forward to him coming back for Christmas. I am looking forward to my trip to Chris's for Thanksgiving. I miss them a lot and it has been since Kiersten's birthday since I saw them. It will be here before you know it.

We had craft day with Evie and Gertrude. We did a simple picture frame with a fall theme. They both seemed to enjoy themselves so much. I know that their daughter and son, respectively could enjoy the afternoon off to do what they want and not have to worry about their moms. Everyone, including Sue Ellis and Ruth had a great time. A few sticky fingers fromt the glue and sparkles, but it was great. I so look forward the the next time.

I met some new friends, Ron and Jenny. They are friends of Andy's and now mine. Jenny and I are becoming good friends.

As always, you are always on my mind and in my thoughts and prayers.

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