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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My first Vacation in a long time!

This is a photo from my seat on the flight from Ohio to Orlando.

Hello everyone. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Myself, I had a fantastic Thanksgiving, I missed my family, but I was in Florida for the holiday! I had my first airplane flights. They were a lot of fun. The only surprise was the first takeoff, after that it was fine. I had to ride on 4 different flights on the round trip and trying to find my way around the airports was interesting. I would love to go back soon!

It was so warm in Florida. I met Jenny, Ron and Andy at the airport. It was so good to see Andy again. A quick welcoming kiss and hug along with introductions to match the faces with the voices. What fantastic people Ron and Jenny are, they quickly became family to me. Jenny and I found out we like and enjoy so many common things. It is like looking at myself in a mirror. They have 2 dogs, Mojo and Shilo and beautiful birds. They are so much fun and I miss them so much. I hope to return to Florida on another vacation soon if I can swing it.

Andy cooked Thanksgiving dinner, what a spread and a fantastic cook! He can cook for me anytime, the food was unbelievable. I went to the beach and I got to walk in the waves. The water was still pretty warm and it felt so good to have the water on my feet and legs. It brought back so many memories of Long Island and of Jones Beach when my Mom use to take us to the beach every weekend as we grew up. I always loved the beach and living upstate NY, we do not have any beaches here.

Just spending time relaxing was well worth it. I really needed a rest and a vacation from NY. The last time I took a vacation was with my mom back in 1996 and that was for just a few days to the Island. If I have my chance, I will definitely go back in a heart beat. Photos of my vacation are on the photo gallery.

I seem to be very behind in my cards for Christmas. I usually have them out by black Friday, not this year. I really need to get them out as soon as I can, I will not feel right until I get them sent out.

Well everyone, I have a very talented nephew. You need to check out some new pictures I downloaded from his blog site. Here is a sample:

Please check out other photos that Joseph has taken, they are located in my photo gallery or you can link to his photos from his blog.

Amy and Jason are getting married on Saturday. Please everyone say a special prayer for them for a long and happy marriage and for their future child.

As always I wish everyone a very Happy Christmas season, may it be safe, healthy and happy. I wish everyone safe travel for all those that are going to family and friends homes.

I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Please, everyone stay safe.

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