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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Good Morning All

Happy Veterans Day to all the service men and women who have and are serving our country.
Thank you.

Good Sunday morning to everyone. I am sorry I did not update last week, it has been so hectic here and trying to get the house ready to move in has been top on my list. There have been some unexpected costs, like for the refrigerator to get it to cool, and the ice maker, the plumber to fix the water valve for my washer which was leaking, just a bunch of unexpected, that's taking care of a home I guess. I love the extra space I have, and the girls are finally coming out, except for Tina, she still hides in the closet. Jo and Annie are out from under the bed. Annie is exploring the outside of the room, which is great. I hung my first official load of clothes outside, and they all dried!

I cleaned almost all the kitchen, the stove was yesterday, man what a mess it was. I went to get a burner for the stove along with the spill trays at Home Depot. The trays fit, but the burner was bent and unable to use, I need to take it back and see if there is one not bent. Thirty dollars for one of those burners. I need to clean the cabinets down today, so I can get the kitchen set up finally and get the boxes out of the living room.

I got the curtains up in the bedroom, and they look great, blue of course. I put on my dark blue bed spread and it looks sharp. The bathroom in the master still needs the shower to be scrubbed, which I may do this morning and then it is done. The people before me left things in the drawers everywhere and in most of the cabinets. I blew through all of them and everything went out for the garbage. I feel sorry for the garbage men that is for sure.

Work has been going great. Something new every day. What a change from the same old thing everyday, like we did in Hobart. I am learning so much about tools and pneumatics. I am assigned the compressor and pneumatic sections of the hardware department. I sold one on Friday up in the North Melbourne store. It makes me feel proud to be able to help some one out. I know I am not making the money I use to, but with the travel time and mileage, it kind of makes up for some of the loss. The cost of living down here is a lot better than NY, that is for sure. I got my first pay check and it was a lot more than I thought it would be. I am on a biweekly check schedule, and it is taking a little getting use to.

I finally got my licence and registration changed over to Florida. The registration cost me $183 dollars for a first time registrant in Florida, a bit of an ouch. Now it will be about the same as NY was. Hopefully I will be getting back the money I just paid for the registration I just got in April up there.

Well, I went and did it. Ron and I went out to Home Depot, Lowes to look scaffolding, Publix, and then he took me to the animal shelter. He likes to look at the dogs there. He was dragging me through the lobby, and in the corner, I spotted a white cat. What a mistake to see the cat, I fell in love with her immediately. She looks so much like Angel did, except for she has blue eyes. He kept saying forget the cats, come and see the dogs. I looked at the dogs with him, which were mostly pit bull mixes, something I would not even entertain. There were a few mixed breeds of labs, boxers, even a weird Sheppard mix. Then we found one that was small and just melted our hearts, mostly Ron's. I went back to see the white cat, and he fell totally for the dog. Me, I fell for the cat. I put in a application for adoption, which was excepted, and on Monday she will be spade, then I can pick her up on Wednesday, since they are closed on Tuesday for Veterans Day. When I found Ron, he was outside with her and had already called Jen, which she came over and fell in love to. They did adopt her and she will be spade on Monday or Wednesday next week. We all found our new babies and are over joyed. I named my new baby Angelica, Angie for short. It is kind of filling the void that Angel left when she passed. I still miss her so, she was my special baby. Angelica is a very loving cat and she cuddles. They say she is 3 or so, but she is teething, which makes her about 4-7 months. She is still a kitten by my estimate. I will be taking her for a well check at my new vet. I met her when I was down, I think it was in March at a gathering at the house. Ron and Jen use her for all their animals, which makes me feel secure about the decision to use her.

Well, that is all for now. I need to go with Ron to get something from the tool place. I love and miss you all. Please drop me a note and let me know how everyone is doing.

Please stay happy, healthy and safe. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Love Jo.


Anonymous said...

Angelica sounds like a sweetheart and the house is coming along. Glad you love your job and you sound so happy!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joanne, Congratulations and best wishes to you on your move to Florida. What an exciting time for you ... a new chapter in your life. Sorry to hear about your cat. I'm sure it was very sad for you. Best of luck to you. Will check in periodically to read your blog. Jeanne