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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Cool Sunday Morning

Hello all, hope everyone is safe and happy. I miss you all and wish you were able to come down and spend some time.

Well, last night a cold front came through. We got down to 60, sorry those in the north. I know your weather is not even close, 20's and 30's from what I can see. I am thinking about you though. The weather is going to be cool here today 64 for the high. I am going over to the house this morning and get laundry done and hung out to dry. The dew point is going to be about 40 degrees, which means that it will dry quickly.

I took Angelica to the vet on Saturday. She has a upper respiratory infection that she got from the shelter. It is in the beginning of it, so we caught it early. She walks around like queen of the hill. Annie comes out to sit on the chair with me and of course Angie is already there. I coax Annie up and Angie starts to hiss at her. I tap Angie on the nose and say no, that her sister was here first. No hissing aloud.

I heard from John, he sent photos of his new plane to me. It is way too cool. I can not wait until he is able to fly it. Have not heard from Nan in a while, will have to call.

Sue is doing well. I do talk with her often. Have not heard from Diane, so I don't know what is going on there. Amy called to see how I was doing, and all is well with her and the family.

Work is going well. I just had a long week, a lot of traveling. This week is generally in Palm Bay and Melbourne, but in Sebastian and Vero at the end of the week. I am so much enjoying my job down here, it always something new everyday and learning something new on a daily basis. Our MET team is having a competition for the Hardware Department against other MET teams. Wish us luck in winning it. There is a lot involved in order to win, a lot of work ahead of us. Wish us luck.

I am planning on working on the house all day today and hopefully getting the Kitchen and my bath done, along with laundry.

Well, have to get going. Please drop me a line and let me know what is going on. It kind of keeps me in touch with home.

As always, please stay happy, healthy, and safe. You are always on my mind and in my thoughts.

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