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Friday, June 15, 2007

June 15,2007

Hi everyone, well, it is finally Friday. It has been a long week, but we finally made it.

I started out this afternoon by painting the new little picnic table John made for the kids. It is so cute and the kids will love it. I need to put on another coat. The I am using a redwood stain. The table behind it is one John made the other day. It is going to stay natural color, he did a fantastic job, don't you thing?

Yesterday John and I took down the basketball net in the front yard. That was a trick and an half. We had to try and miss the garden, hanging basket, and the weather station located on the top edge of the pole. It is up above and my car is in the background.

Sorry about the pictures placement, still new at this.

The gardens look great too. I am having some problems with the roses though. I bought special rose food. The blooms look great, but the leaves are falling off, hopefully the new food will help.

We do need rain, the gardens are very dry and I am finding I have to water them every other day now. The weather channel keeps saying thunderstorms, but they never come.

Well, it is getting late and I will have to say goodnight for now. Tomorrow is another day.

I need everyone to say a special prayer for Dr. Bachorik. She was thrown from her horse this morning and has a few broken bones (shoulder blade is cracked, collar bone is broken, and 6 broken ribs along with a punctured lung, which has been re-inflated again, and lots of scrapes and bruises). She is in ICU right now, but doing well.

Also special prayers for Shelly and her graduation and for Jon and Heather for their wedding, both of which is next Friday, June 22.

Everyone is on my mind and in my heart.

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