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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thursday June 28, 2007

Well, this has been a busy day.

I am starting off with a picture of one of my flowers in my garden. This is a clematis, and is a beautiful purple color. I went out today and there was a dark purple one on the vine. You will see that one in future blogs.

Yesterday we celebrated John's Birthday. We went out to dinner, which Ponderosa had some spread. We all came home full. John had a desert that was marked "Carrot Cake with nuts", well it turned out to be spice cake with raisins. It was still good tasting. After our dinner we came home to digest a little before we had Ice Cream Cake. Nancy bought the cake from Wal*Mart in their bakery department. It was really good, and it had real cake in it, not all ice cream.

Shelly called me last night, She got her driving permit! She asked Sue to take her to DMV and she took her test and passed. All she has to do is get a motor for her car. It is an automatic and she should be able to drive it with out a problem. She is also applying to a few places for a job. She said she put in 3 applications yesterday. I wish her the best of luck.

July 1st is coming fast. This is John and Nancy's 35th anniversary. Ginnie's birthday is on the 2ed.

I wish John and Nancy "Happy Anniversary" and Ginnie "Happy Birthday".

Kimberly Anne will by 27 on July 8th, how time flies, I remember when she was born.

Everyone please stay healthy and safe. You are all always on my mind and in my heart and prayers.

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