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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Is this really January?

This photo was taken by Joseph, what a great photographer he is.

Is this really January? The weather is getting warm. It has been in the high 30’s for the past few days and is suppose to be in the 40’s today. What is even better, it is suppose to be up near 60 over the next few days! Talk about a heat wave, just compared it to the low of –9 and the high in the teens we had last week.

The diet is going well, sort of. I have stayed with in my calorie allotment. I am going to go to the library and borrow the Scarsdale diet and just see what is involved with it. I have heard good things about it and want to see what is involved. I will see which diet will be easier to follow. I know my Dr. would prefer I do the calorie diet and eat healthy. Wish me good luck and please encourage me to continue with the diet. Thanks for the encouragement.

Today I am hoping to complete the Accounting project, please say a prayer I get it done. It has been a long frustrating project, and with the help of the school, I think I may have gotten a handle on it.

Joseph, thank you for the DVD recorder, it is working fantastically. Dad hooked it up for me and got it running. When I originally hooked it up, I could not get it to work, thank goodness for dad! I have already recorded a multitude of movies.

I fed the birds this morning and the gold finches are having a feast. All my usual birds are back too. A couple of squirrels were enjoying the seed on the outer feeder, but have since moved on, I am sure they will be back again.

Well, this is going to be a short post and I hope everyone enjoys the warm weather while we have it. Just think, spring begins on March 20th! That is only a little over 9 weeks away. I know I cannot wait!

Everyone take care and stay safe and healthy.

You all remain in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Love to all.

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