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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

I would like to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year!

This is the beginning of a new year and hopefully a new outlook on our lives. This should be a year of changes for the better, new adventures, and renewing energy for the love of life. Life is too short to keep putting things off. This should be a year of forgiveness, seeking out new and old relationships, new and old friends, and just enjoying life to the fullest.

For me, it is a new beginning of finding myself. Helping me to learn to enjoy life to the fullest. I have changed my outlook on life and have promised myself to follow through on things I keep putting off. At 51 years old, I have always put myself on the back burner, and now it is time to do the things I always wanted to do. I am planning a few more vacations in Florida with my good friends Jenny and Ron, who are more like family. They make me feel so welcome and I had such a great time the last time I was there. I really miss them and Florida, and I look forward to returning there very soon, seeing new sites and possibly seeing Joe while I am down south. I also plan on working on losing the weight I put back on. This is important to me because I felt better with the weight off. If you can, please encourage me as often as possible to reach my goal and help me to stay on my diet plan. I really need everyone’s encouragement! If you knew how hard it is to lose weight by yourself, you would understand.

On Monday morning I woke up to 8 ¼” of snow on the ground and I had to drive to work. The roads were not the greatest, but I made it there in one piece. We are expecting more snow today, possibly heaviest in the early afternoon. When I woke up this morning we had 1” from today’s storm. It just started to snow about 5:30 or 6am. I took the first reading at 7:30 this morning and the snow is coming down steadily.

I see at the bird feeders, which I just filled, that we have cardinals, gold finches, woodpeckers, black caps and many others. There are a lot of gold finches at the thistle feeders, 7 of them right now.

Joseph also flew out of Philly on Monday for GA. He made it home safely and also went to work that night. I am so glad he made it back safely. It was so great so see him and to spend time with all the family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Well, the Christmas decorations came down Monday night and I will need to vacuum this morning, but at least all the decorations are put away and I can watch the birds at the bird feeder. It looks so different with the tree gone.

Today I will try to get one of my projects done. I am trying not to pull my hair out. If I had someone to help me with this project I would have had it done weeks ago, but I don’t so it is plugging on by myself with the help of accounting for dummies.

I did not stay up to watch the ball fall. As Diana, my girlfriend told me, the new year will come in whether we are up or not, which is very true. I did get a call from Sue at about 1203. She did not think she would be up at midnight, but she made it. Being up so early in the morning, there is no way I was going to stay up. I hope everyone that did stay up, had a great time and a safe drive home.

Again, I would like to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year! May it be a Healthy, Happy, and a very Safe one. May all your wishes and dreams in the New Year come true.

Love to all. As always, you all will remain in my thoughts, heart and prayers.

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