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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hi Everyone

Well it is now Saturday and has been a while since I posted. I have been working very hard on trying to get my school projects done and sent in. Well, they are, the last one was sent in this morning and what a relief! Now I just have to wait for them to receive them and call for my semester exams. I can not wait till it is over and done with; it has been a long time coming! I know mom would be very proud of me.

I heard from Amy last week and she told me she and Jason were going to have a girl! The ultrasound shows everything looks good, nothing unusual. They are so excited and have just bought a crib. Jason was so excited that he already put it together just to see what it looked like. Of course, he also took it back down, their trailer just does not have the extra room right now and it will be quite a while before the baby is born. They need to get a mattress for the crib yet. The theme for the baby is going to be baby pooh. Diane is planning a baby shower for April 12th at the Davenport Fire House, it is going to be a coed shower. Jason wants to see what they get and it is not a surprise shower. Keep your date open.

I am going to get some cleaning done here today. It really needs it, I have put it off for a while so I can get my projects done. Thank you to everyone who has said a prayer for me, it really helped.

Joe called this morning, it is snowing in Atlanta and they are expecting 3" of SNOW there, yes that is right, I said snow. Check out his blog, he is trying something new with video blogging.

If any one is on MSN instant messenger, I am also signed up. joannboman@hotmail.com. Please add me to you IM list and give me a shout, I would love to hear from you. I am also on a video site called oovoo. http://www.oovoo.com/ Download it (there is a link to it from Joe's site) and invite me to join you in a video conference. It is a lot cheaper (free) than a phone call.

Looks like Sunday is going to be cold, high of 17. Snow showers are in the forecast for the weekend. It also looks like there will be snow coming up the coast during the week, will we have another nor'easter? Who knows, only time will tell.

Well, company is coming this weekend and they and John and Nan will be going to a baby shower. I hope they have a good time and enjoy. I hope they have a safe trip.

this photo is from an email I received the other day. I love it and wanted to share it with you.

Ron and Jenny, I can not wait to see you guys soon. Now that the projects are done, it is only the test standing in the way. Miss you and can not wait to see you.

Well, I am closing this post.

I will keep you all in my thoughts, prayers, and stay safe and healthy.

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