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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Good morning

This is one of Jenny's birds. Isn't she beautiful!

This is Saturday morning and I am getting ready to go to Christopher's for his birthday. It is hard to believe he is going to be 33 years old. He has grown in to such a wonderful man with a beautiful family. I am so proud of him and his accomplishments. You will find photo's of the birthday on the gallery site. Everyone wish Chris a happy birthday.

Less us not forget, today is moms birthday too. I miss her so much, it is hard to believe it has been 8 years since she passed. Everyone please say a special prayer for her.

I just heard yesterday that Kimberly's grandfather passed. She has been so busy preparing for Chris's birthday, that this came as such a shock. I am not sure what her plans will be about the funeral, but I will find out when I get down there. Please say a prayer for her and her family to get through this time.

Yesterday it was warm out. It was 83 degrees and very sunny. I was able to get out and take a really long walk, clean out my gardens to let the plants start to get the warmth of the sun. I see that the bleeding heart bush is already coming up through the soil. I still have my little garden by the driveway to do, I see that there is quite a bit of grass that has grown through. Nancy's garden around the stump on the side yard has daffodils ready to bloom and the tulips are up. It looks so nice to see the plants finally starting to bloom again.

The birds are having a field day out in the front yard, I fed them yesterday. Soon it will be time for the humming bird feeders to go up.

Amy wishes to thank everyone for their beautiful gifts. She told me to tell Alice that she received the gift card and is putting it to good use as she suggested. Thank you to all who took the time to wish her and Jason the best for their baby. She is having a girl and the name is going to be: Elizabeth Eleanor Rose Bathen. Amy is due right around Mothers Day. Please keep her in your prayers for a safe delivery. I will keep you all advised as to what is going on.

Well, it is time for me to go, I have a long trip ahead of me. Everyone enjoy the beautiful days ahead. It is nice that the weather has finally broken and the sun is shining. I send my love to all and wish everyone to be safe, healthy and happy.

A special hi to all my Florida family, I can not wait to see you again, I miss you guys so much. Ron, thank you so much for all you have taught me so far, I am definitely hungry to learn more from you. I never had the clinical for my classes with hands on computer work, and now, I am learning so much from you about computers and fixing them. You may not think you are a good teacher, but you are, do not under estimate yourself, you are a good teacher.

I send my love and best wishes to everyone. Please stay safe.
As always, you all remain in my thoughts and prayers.


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