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Friday, April 25, 2008

It's Friday, finally

Yes it is, Friday again. I only work half days on Fridays, so it is a really good day for me. Today at work our forklift went south. The motor burned out again and we were unable to complete our work, oh well, next week is another day.

Today I worked in the gardens. I pulled weeds, cut stalks off plants, put up little fencing around nan's bushes, and picked up my mess. The little garden by the driveway looks pretty good, now that the grass is gone out of it. The snow blower is finally put away as well as air conditioners being uncovered and ready for a work out. The weather has been good here, in the upper 70's, next week does not look as promising, I saw a 46 in there.

Update on Amy, she is experiencing back pain full time now. The Dr. says she can go anytime. She is due around Mothers Day. Please keep her in your prayers.

I have made it point to be out walking when I get home from work. I forgot how nice it is to just walk and see the trees coming out, as well as the benefit of the exercise. Everything is getting so green finally. Even the buds for new flowers are coming up.

I have been thinking a lot about everyone and hope everyone is doing well.

As always, you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay healthy, happy, and safe.

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