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Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

Does anyone recognize this photo? It is the memorial at Pearl Harbor. The photo was taken by Kim and Christopher while they were in Hawaii.

Today is Memorial Day, not just a day off from work or school, but a day to remember those who not only served, but those who lost their lives in the military. As you know a lot of us have had someone in our lives fight and lose their lives during the time of war, even just being in the military service they have earned the right to be honored today. They are protecting us and protecting the US, so we can enjoy the freedoms we have. If you see someone in uniform, or even someone you know who has served, tell them thank you.

Ron, thank you for serving our country with honor. To the S.O.F.A. group, thank you for serving our country with honor. Joey is in the Marines right now, say a prayer for his continued safety.

This weekend, we celebrated Kimberly's birthday. It was so much fun. It was so good to see everyone again. Both David and Kiersten met me at the door when I arrived, great big hugs and lots of greetings. It was a good party and Kim received a lot of nice things. Her birthday is really on Tuesday, but had a family party on Saturday.

Today I will be cutting the hay field (my yard). The grass is long and needs to be cut badly. I need to cut it this morning, we are suppose to have rain this afternoon. Maybe a little grilling of chicken for lunch and shrimp for dinner, then I do not have to worry about getting wet in the evening.

Amy, Jason and Elizabeth are doing very well. She lost some weight, which is usual, but is putting it back on as the DR expected. Elizabeth will be going back to the DR for a checkup the first week in June.

Jenny and Ron, I miss you guys and I am looking forward to seeing you on June 26th.

Not much else is really going on, so I will let everyone enjoy their day. Happy Memorial Day again to everyone.

I wish you all a great weekend. As always you all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Well, here she is.....

Family and Friends, I would like you to meet:

Elizabeth Eleanor Rose Bathen

Elizabeth Eleanor Rose Bathen

Born May 17, 2008

At 1816 (6:16 pm)

7 lbs 1.8 oz.19" long

How she got her name:

Elizabeth was after my moms middle name. Eleanor was after Jasons grandmother. Rose was after my Aunt Alice. These names were chosen after very special people, which makes Elizabeth a very special girl.

I would like everyone to wish both Amy and Jason the most sincere congratulations on the birth of their first daughter. Please say a special prayer for the entire family that God watches over them and guides them through their future life together as a family.

I want to wish all a good day and please stay happy, healthy and safe.

My thoughts and prayers to all.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


It has finally happened. Amy and Jason have had their baby girl!

Elizabeth Eleanor Rose Bathen
Born May 17, 2008
At 1816 (6:16 pm)
7 lbs 1.8 oz.
19" long

It was a beautiful and quick birth.

Pictures will follow tomorrow, I forgot my camera. I did not expect to be there when the baby was born, but much to my surprise, the baby wanted me there.

love to all

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day!

This is a photo of my mom and grandmother. God bless and keep them close to our hearts even though they are no longer with us.

I would like to wish all a "Happy Mothers Day"! It does not matter if you have just children, but those who have "special" children (cats, dogs, birds, etc.), they are also to be included in this day. The reason I feel this is, because my 4 my cats, are just like my kids and I love them to no end. So please, wish all those women in your life a Happy Mothers Day.

I also want to wish Alice a special "Happy Mothers Day", because since mom has passed, and even before, she has always been as close as a mother could be. I love and miss her and wish her my best.

Please wish Alice a Happy Birthday on May 16th.

Here is a poem I came across that applies to all of us.

My Mother

For as long as I can remember
you have been by my side
to give me support
to give me confidence
to give me help
For as long as I can remember
you have always been the person I looked up to
so strong
so sensitive
so pretty
For as long as I can remember
and still today
you are everything a mother should be
For as long as I can remember
you have always provided stability within our family
full of laughter
full of tears
full of love
So much of what I have become
is because of you
and I want you to know
that I appreciate you, thank you
and love you
more than words can express

-Poem by Susan Polis Schutz

I hope you all enjoy this poem, it kind of says it all.

It has been a quiet week here, nothing really happening. Amy is still waiting to have the baby. She and Jason are staying with Diane and Michael until the baby is here. Jason does not want her left alone just in case the contractions start while he is at work.

Everything is status quo with Sue and the family. John and Nan are still down at Chris and Kim's house watching the grand kids. Chris and Kim are due home today. From what I understand, they should be home about 5pm. Please pray for a safe journey home for them.

Me, not much is happening. I filled the car for the second time and am getting 35.5 mpg. That is good, considering that it is new and not broken in yet. I spoke with the dealership mechanics and they said that when it does break in, I should be getting 40 with out a problem. I am just glad I am not getting less than I got with the Cavalier. I do love the Vibe, it is so roomy, a lot more than the Cavalier was.

A special hi to Ron and Jenny. Happy Mothers Day, Jenny. I am sure all your babies wish you that as well. I so look forward to seeing you again in June. Miss you both.

As always, I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay healthy, happy and safe.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hello Everyone!

This photo is from an e-mail I received, hope you enjoy it!

It is now Saturday, and the weather is holding out from raining. The sky has been mostly overcast, but the sun has been out about 45% of the day off and on. I really thought it was going to rain all day, but Mother Nature has blessed us with warm sunshine. I was able to get some of the sheets and blankets washed and hung out in the fresh air. With the wind and the sun going in and out, they dried pretty quickly.

I also washed the car, it was really dirty on the sides and back. I brought it home and wiped it down, now it looks new again. I did find some things that Otsego will need to care for when I bring it in for its first oil change. There is two small scratches (not deep) on the driver side back door and also on that door I found scratches on the window. I am very happy with the Vibe and would recommend it to anyone looking for a crossover vehicle. Ted Vernon was my salesman and he is very knowledgeable in the GM/Pontiac cars. He just made Salesman of the month.

Amy's contractions have stopped. She is having contractions infrequently right now. She and Jason are kind of ready to get things over with, but the baby will come when she is ready. Please keep them all in your prayers.

I have been thinking about Florida a lot lately. Warm weather, beaches, pool, sand, and times with good friends/family. I am missing Ron and Jenny and the times we spent together. I am so looking forward to vacation on June 26th. I have a count down going on my desktop, which is now at 7 weeks, 4 days, 12 minutes, and 23 seconds. It seems so far away, but hopefully the time will fly by.

Say a special prayer for Chris and Kim, they are on vacation and John and Nancy are watching the kids for them. Keep them in your prayers for safe travel, and bringing them home safely. Kiersten and David will have a great time with grandma and grandpa there with them.

Everything is getting green up here. The tree's are finally getting their leaves and the flowers are getting ready to bloom. I understand it is suppose to be warmer this week, keep your fingers crossed.

Well, it is time to let you go. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope the information keeps you informed on what is happening here.

I send my love to all and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.