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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

This is my dad. He passed back in 1986. This is a photo of him in his Captains Uniform for the Fire Department.

Hello everyone. Sorry I did not post the past 2 weeks, but we had lighting on Saturday the 31st and it took out our cable modem. We were not able to get a new one until Monday the second. Last weekend just got away from me.

Yesterday was Flag Day and I hope everyone flew their flags in honor of our country and the freedoms we all enjoy.

John spoke with Alice and found out she was in the hospital. I am glad they finally found out what was causing all her pain. Please say a prayer for her to recover quickly.

It was an interesting weekend last week. It was so hot, Sue actually went out and bought a small pool. She asked me to come up and give her a hand. The pool was set up on the best spot, when the man who stays on Rogers property, moved the pool and messed everything up. She said that she would deal with the pool the way it is for this year and fix it next year. It is not a big pool, just enough to get wet in. We are working on getting it cleared up right now.

I worked out in the yard all day yesterday, it looks nice. Diane bought Elizabeth over so I can see her. Diane was on her way to pick up Mike from his brothers house. Elizabeth looks just like her mom, I can see her dad in her too, but she is the spitting image of Amy. She went to the Dr. and is now 7 lbs 8 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long. I got to hold her for about an hour while Diane and I spoke. Diane took some photo's which are in the photo gallery if you want to see them.

Next weekend on Sunday June 22ed, Elizabeth is being baptized at St. Mary's in Oneonta. It will be at 1030 mass. I was honored to be asked to be her god mother and Jason's brother is going to be her god father.

Joe will be coming home on the 28th and staying until July 5th. I am so sorry I will miss him. I am leaving on the 26th and will not be back until July 7th. I hope everyone has a great time and lots of pictures are taken so I can see them when I get home. I love and miss Joe. Please everyone say a special prayer for his safe travel both to and from the northeast.

Vacation is getting ever closer, thank goodness. Only 11 days left until I arrive at Orlando airport. I need to make a list of all the things I need to bring with me. I am planning on taking as many photos as I can while down. Lots of plans are in the making right now. I just can not wait to see Jenny and Ron again, as well as Shilo and Mojo and the birds.

Ron and Jenny, I want to wish you a Happy Anniversary. Their anniversary is on Tuesday June 17th. Hope you both have a great day together.

Today is going to be a paperwork day for me. I have a lot to get done before I go away and need to spend some time to get it done. Of course I will have the race on.

I hope everyone has a great Father's Day! Please remember, give your dad a call or say a special prayer for those who have passed. They are special, if it was not for them, you would not be here and be the special person you are to all of us.

As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers always. Please stay happy, healthy, and safe.

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