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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Sunday!

This is one of the photo's I took at the beach last Thanksgiving. It is looking north up the coast. I so miss the ocean.

Good morning everyone. Well, today Elizabeth is going to be Baptized at St. Mary's in Oneonta. She will be Baptized at 10:30 mass along with another small one. I have the pleasure of being asked to be her God Mother along with Jason's brother as God Father. Please say a prayer for her to keep the lord always in her life.

Next week Joe comes. Everyone is getting very excited here. I am going to miss him though. I will be in Florida during his visit, bummer. I hope he has a safe trip, he is riding his new motorcycle up. Love and miss you Joe. Pray for his safety during his travels.

Thursday is John's birthday. I will be missing this as well. :( I hope his birthday is very special for him. I wish I was here to celebrate with him. Love you John! If you see him this day, wish him a Happy Birthday!

Sue has been sick with that bug that has been going on. She even missed work, which is not like her. I saw her yesterday and she seems a bit better. Please say a prayer that she continues to get better everyday.

Now it is 4 days left until I arrive in Florida. I can not wait. I have been so looking forward to this trip. Shelly will be taking care of the girls for me. I have so much to do today after the baptism, I hope I get most of them done. Monday and Tuesday will be busy at work so those days will go by very fast and I leave Wednesday after work for Chris's house. I have to come home Wednesday, get gas, print my tickets, make sure the girls are set until Shelly comes Thursday, pack the computer up, and pack the car up, then head out to PA. Kim will be taking me to the airport at 5 in the morning, so it is hit the bed early on Wednesday. I don't know if I will be able to sleep well that night in anticipation of the trip in the morning. Please say a prayer for a safe trip for me. Look out Ron and Jenny, I will be there soon. I can not wait to see you!

My next post will be from Florida. I am hoping I will have lots of photo's to post with the post. Keep an eye on the gallery for new photo's of the trip. I am keeping all of you in my prayers.

As always, you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay healthy, happy, and safe. To all those with travel plans, please be safe!

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