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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Good Afternoon Everyone!

This is a photo of the corner of the driveway. I planted these and they are doing very well as you can see. I hope you enjoy the photo.

Hi everyone. What a beautiful day it is up here. We are expecting some showers this afternoon late. The Brickyard 400 is about to start, and it should be interesting.

It is hard to believe that the weekend is almost over again, where does the time go? Weekends never seem to be long enough. I have been doing the usual chores this weekend. The only thing I added was to put tire tubes in the front tractor tires. Of course I had to take them off, which I was hoping I would not have to, but I did. I looked like I was working on a car engine all day, but it is done.

We had an unexpected thunder storm last night with heavy rains. I know we need the rain, and still do, but wow, did that come down heavy. Angel does not like the thunder, so she spent the night either by my head or under the bed.

Spent a few hrs with Sue on Saturday, which was nice. It has been a long time since we spent any time together. She has her family and her life is usually hectic, so I do not get to see her often.

I heard from Diane, she and Michael are doing well. They had a good anniversary.

Amy, Jason, and Elizabeth are doing well. Elizabeth had her first shots this past week, and Amy said that she faired very well with them. She is up to 8 lbs 10 oz. I wish the family well and please keep them in your prayers.

I sure do miss Florida. Ron and Jenny have been keeping me up on everything that is going on. I so long to walk on the beach, and have Ron's chicken wings. Jenny, I miss going shopping and spending time with you and can not wait till I see you again. Keep your fingers crossed I will see you soon.

Not much else is going on here, so I will wish everyone a good week.

As always, you all remain in my thoughs and prayers. Stay happy, healthy, and safe.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Air Show Fri, Sat, and Sunday

I went to the Air show today. It was for scale RC planes. What a great time, but warm and windy. I have posted my photo's of the show on my gallery, take a gander and enjoy them.

Not much else is really going on here. I hope you all have had a good and safe week. Miss you all and hope to talk with you soon.

As always, have a health, happy and safe week. You all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Well, I'm home again.

I took great photo's of the trip to and from, including some storm clouds we flew over on the way back to PA. I hope you all enjoy them.

I went in the pool the other day and John was playing with his destroyer. I took a movie of it with my camera and posted it in the photo gallery.

Work has been the same, attitudes continue as usual. I really wish people would be happy they have a job with the way this economy is right now. I go in happy and and the attitudes just bring everyone down. You would be surprised how a smile can brighten your day along with a hello.

I made it home again. I really had a great time down there. I look forward to returning again soon... I am hoping that some time, I can move down. Having a job would be the only way I would move unless another solution comes along. I felt so much better down there. The temperature does not swing like it does here in NY. Since coming home, my joints seem to be screaming. Well, for right now, I will remain here in NY, even though I long to be back in FL.

My diet is getting back on track again after vacation. I only have 1 more pound and I am back to were I was before vacation. Everyone's encouragement would be very welcome.

Well, I will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers, especially Jenny. I hope she finds the job she seeks. The job she has right now is taking a really big toll on her. Please say an extra prayer for her to get the job she is seeking. Good luck Jenny, love and miss you.

I hope everyone is well. I have been thinking about you all often. Please stay healthy, happy, and safe. You will always remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hello from Florida

I hope everyone had a good 4Th of July, I know I did. I hope all those traveling home, have a safe trip.

The time has gone by too fast for me. I am enjoying myself so much, I really do not want it to end. Everyone said that I would not like to weather because it is so hot down here. I know it is not the summer heat yet, but from what I have experienced so far(it has been in the 90's), I have really been comfortable. I think that the aspirin a day is part of the reason, but it is so nice not to hurt in the joints like I do in NY. Jenny was able to get a 4 day weekend, so we got to spend quality time together, all three of us, just hanging around the pool and enjoying each others company. Jenny and I did get out to the stores and did some window shopping. Ron took me along the river and what homes I saw, seven figure ones that is. I met some new friends, Pam and Skip. They are really nice people and I am glad to count them as friends. Debbie was over one night for dinner along with Skip and Pam and we enjoyed the dinner, laughter, and good company.

Fireworks were great here, and we did not even have to leave the house. Jenny, Ron, and I sat out on the corner of the house and we had beautiful fireworks all around. I wish I had taken my camera out and taken a few pictures, but when I sat down, I did not want to miss any of them. Ron went in, and Jenny and I continued to watch for about 25 more minutes. I was really glad we did not have to go anywhere. The next door neighbor had quite the display too. There were so many people out walking and standing in the streets watching, I was glad we just stayed home.

I have been threatened to be kidnapped and not returned to the airport tomorrow. LOL! Ron and Jenny really want me to stay, and I want to stay too. I told Ron and Jenny that I would stay if I could, but the need of being able to pay bills is the bummer. I would not mind moving down here at all, but the need for a job is the one hitch.

Shilo has become so affectionate since the last time I was down. She just loves to be hugged and kissed, and she loves to do the kissing too. Mojo was so happy to see me too, and I her. I really do miss my girls too, but Shelly has been taking care of them for me, Thanks Shelly.

I heard from Amy and the baby is now taking juice and cereal, with the Dr's. approval. I am so glad that all is coming together with their family.

I was so sorry to have missed Joe during the time he spent up in PA/NY. I have not seen him since Christmas, and that seemed forever ago. Joe, just know I miss you and wished I was there. I hope your birthday turned out to be great too. Everyone was so excited to plan that knight party for you. Joe drove his motorcycle up, just please be safe in driving home, I can not wait to see you again soon.

Well everyone, I just want to say hi. I will be doing my next post from home next week. Sorry there have not been too many photo's this time around, but that is just how things turned out. Love and miss you all, see you soon.

As always, please stay happy, healthy, and safe.