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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Good Afternoon Everyone!

This is a photo of the corner of the driveway. I planted these and they are doing very well as you can see. I hope you enjoy the photo.

Hi everyone. What a beautiful day it is up here. We are expecting some showers this afternoon late. The Brickyard 400 is about to start, and it should be interesting.

It is hard to believe that the weekend is almost over again, where does the time go? Weekends never seem to be long enough. I have been doing the usual chores this weekend. The only thing I added was to put tire tubes in the front tractor tires. Of course I had to take them off, which I was hoping I would not have to, but I did. I looked like I was working on a car engine all day, but it is done.

We had an unexpected thunder storm last night with heavy rains. I know we need the rain, and still do, but wow, did that come down heavy. Angel does not like the thunder, so she spent the night either by my head or under the bed.

Spent a few hrs with Sue on Saturday, which was nice. It has been a long time since we spent any time together. She has her family and her life is usually hectic, so I do not get to see her often.

I heard from Diane, she and Michael are doing well. They had a good anniversary.

Amy, Jason, and Elizabeth are doing well. Elizabeth had her first shots this past week, and Amy said that she faired very well with them. She is up to 8 lbs 10 oz. I wish the family well and please keep them in your prayers.

I sure do miss Florida. Ron and Jenny have been keeping me up on everything that is going on. I so long to walk on the beach, and have Ron's chicken wings. Jenny, I miss going shopping and spending time with you and can not wait till I see you again. Keep your fingers crossed I will see you soon.

Not much else is going on here, so I will wish everyone a good week.

As always, you all remain in my thoughs and prayers. Stay happy, healthy, and safe.

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