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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Good Morning Everyone

Well, it has been a while since I last wrote, I apologize for that. Nothing has really happened here to write about, but I will try to catch you up on things that have happened during the past week. The leaves are turning here rather quickly. Does this mean that we are going to have a early winter, it sure does look like it. The apple trees are so full, the limbs are breaking.

As I wrote in the last blog, Chris and Kim celebrated their anniversary last Saturday. John and Nan were down for that, I could not go because I was taking care of Diana's (my girlfriend) mother. Her and her husband finally had a chance to get away for a few days and asked me if I would stay with her, which I agreed. Evie and I had a good time and watched old movies.

Tuesday was Mackenzie and David's birthdays. Mackenzie was 6 and David 4. They are getting to be so big and grown up already, where does time go. I remember when both were born, and it doesn't seem that long ago. I did not get to talk with either of the kids, but sent gifts. I know David had a party with all his friends, and they all had a great time. Mackenzie had a bowling party on the past Saturday, I did not hear how that went. I hope she had a great time too. I would have went, but as I said before, I was babysitting.

Mary is going to go back to school for her GED. Diane has made arrangements with BOCES and the school district, along with NY, to get her back to school. If things work out, she will also be taking Culinary Arts also for the next 2 years. Please, everyone say a prayer that there will be an opening in the Culinary Arts class so she can start it in September, rather than in January. At any rate, she will be going to the GED classes starting in September. I wish her the best of luck and hope she takes it seriously.

Amy, Jason, and baby Elizabeth are doing great. Sue and Roger saw Elizabeth for the first time last Sunday. Sue says she looks just like Mom. I think she looks like Amy, with a little of Jason thrown in, but there is a slight look of mom in her. She is now 10 lbs. and growing like a weed.

Shelly is training to be a supervisor at her job. She is working "40" hours a week, I think she is learning what real work is about. She had been working about 24-28 hrs a week for the past year, so the full time is a shock to her system. LOL. She is doing it though. To get the position, she needs to get her drivers license. I hope she is working on it, she really needs to learn to drive, but is scared to learn for fear of making a mistake. Good luck Shell, love you and hope you start to take this in stride.

Sue and Roger are doing well. Sue is working hard as usual. They had some friends over last night, and watched the race.

Me, myself, are as usual, work, work, work. It seems to be a never ending thing in my life. I have been reading a great series by Catherine Coulter, it is the FBI series, thanks Jenny for turning me on to it. I am up to the fifth book called Riptide. This one is a little harder to get into, but I am plugging along. It should be as good as the others. Today, Sunday, is my reading and laundry day. I did go to the movies by myself yesterday. I went and saw Momma Mia, what a great movie. I recommend it if you remember ABBA and their music. The movie is not about ABBA, so don't worry, but their songs fit the movie fantastically. I really think everyone should "take a chance" and see the movie, it is really worth it. When you do go, stay through the credits, there is more and you will get a great laugh out of it.

Florida has been hit hard with rain this past week thanks to Fay. Ron and Jenny sustained water damage to their home. With 19+ inches of rain that fell, they had rivers for roads and still today, have a moat in front and on the side of their home. The company that put the roof on their home before they moved in, did a poor job and used inferior materials for the ridge cap and the bull around the chimney, this is where most of the leaks were. One sky light has some leak, which I question if they used ice shield around it? The pool was over filled, and it has still been raining there every afternoon, like they really need more. I really miss being down their and can not wait to see them again. I told Ron that I would give him a hand with repairs when I get down next.

The Baseball camp is finally over by us. The last group has left on Friday, thank goodness. The traffice by there was horrible, but it is finally over. YEAH!

Well, I have clothes to hang out to dry, birds to feed, plants to water, and a book to get to, so I will say goodbye for now. Please drop me a line and let me know if you want to see anything else in the blog or if you have any news to add for all to read about. Please let everyone know the blog address so they can keep in contact with us too. I miss you all and wish that you could all be here, or me there, but all our lives have taken their own paths, so this is the only way to get hold of everyone to let them know what is happening.

Everyone take care of yourselves and stay safe, happy and healthy!
You are all in my thoughts and prayers always.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

hello there....

This is another beautiful cake Kimberly made for an Anniversary Party. Isn't it a beautiful cake!

Another week has come and gone, the time seems to be slipping by so fast now. The weather is getting cooler each week, and the days are getting shorter too, if you notice. Today it is only going to be in the upper 60's, and rain of course. We seem to be getting September weather now, in the 70's during the day and around 50 at night. I noticed that on my way to work, the leaves on Gunhouse Road are starting to change, a sign of fall. Where did the summer go? Did we really even have a summer? It seems like winter just got over in May and now we are going into fall already.

School will be starting soon for all the neices and nephews. School shopping is well underway in all the stores. Every where I shopped this and the last few weekends, all the parents are buying the supplies and clothing. I am glad I do not have to worry about going to school any longer. I have been enjoying reading lately. Jenny turned me on to Catherine Coulter's FBI series of books and they are great. If you get a chance try the first book, the Cove, and see what you think. I know you will really enjoy them.

Joe called this week, he will be attending Ashworth University for his Associates Degree in Computer Information Management, then going on for a BS in more computer things, I am not really sure what it is going to be. I know he talked with me about a networking degree a while ago. I wish him the best. Love and miss him. I wish him the best on the Cisco exam.

Tomorrow is Nancy and Mary's birthday. Please if you see or talk with them, wish them a Happy Birthday!

Chris and Kim will be celebrating their anniversary on Saturday. Wish them a Happy Anniversary when you see them.

Elizabeth went to the Dr. this week and is growing by leeps and bounds. I think Diane said she was 9 lbs 8 oz. I could be wrong, but close. I don't remember how long though. The whole family is doing well.

Diane, Michael, and Mary are doing well too. Dianes garden is growing like weeds. Mrs domestic, who knew.

Me, I am just taking one day at a time. Work, work, work, as usual. News this week is not very interesting, but I caught you up on what is going on that I know about. I am missing Florida, and wish I was there with Ron and Jenny and all the other friends I have met, but right now it is not ment to be. Hopefully soon though.

Well, everyone enjoy your day and please stay safe, healthy, happy, and remember to tell those you care about, how you feel.

As always, you remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Morning Everyone

Another weekend has come and gone. They just seem to go by so quickly now. Just think, we are in August already. Soon school will be starting.

I went to the movies with Shelly yesterday. We saw the new Mummy movie. It was pretty good, but they really needed to have the original Evie back again, that would have completed the show. Overall, the movie was worth watching. It was also good to spend some time with Shelly. It has been a long time since we spent any time together.

Nancy and John are at Nancy's reunion, up at Ginnie's house. I was invited, but I had some things I needed to get done and spent some quality time with Shelly. I so appreciated Ginnie asking me. I hope all went well, it was suppose to rain off and on all day long, which it did here. I did get some grass cut, which was needed badly. I still have some more to cut, but it looks like it is going to rain again today. If it does, a book will be on today's menu along with hopefully the race.

I saw Diane and Michael Thursday, they both look well. She came to pick up a TV I had for her. They stayed for a while and we talked. It was good to see them again. They were going to babysit for Elizabeth on Friday night so Amy and Jason could go out to dinner and the movies.

Elizabeth is doing well, she is rolling, cooing, laughing, all the things babies do. Diane said she is very smart for her age. I have not seen her in a few weeks so I can not say on how she looks. Amy calls me and lets me know what is going on with her. Amy is also doing a new blog spot that will have pictures available to all. She will be using blogspot.com, it is the same as Joe's and mine. As soon as she gives me her new blog address, I will pass it on so all can see the new photo's and download them if you want, with out worry of virus's.

Ron and Jenny have been keeping me up on things going on in Florida. He was going to make these wings for a gathering yesterday. If you could just taste them, they melt in your mouth and taste fantastic. It was a new recipe that he tried on Jenny and I a few times before he would try it out on anyone else. He is very hard on himself if it does not turn out just right. I wish he would have some faith in himself, he is a VERY GOOD COOK! I wish I could have been down there for the gathering, it was with good friends, and they all wanted me there. I miss them all so much and can not wait to see them again, hopefully soon. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

Not much is going on with Sue and the family. They are in the middle of Demolition Derby season. Today is a big derby at the Otsego County Fair. Roger's car won its heat and will race today for the Otsego County Championship. If the car wins, it will qualify his driver to run at the state fair for the State Championship. I am not going, but will get the scoop from her tomorrow or tonight when she gets home. A lot of time has been spent on building and painting the cars. Sue paints the graphics on the cars, she is really good at it too.

Well, not much else is going on here, so I will bid you all a goodbye for now. Please stay happy, healthy, and safe, and remember, tell those around you how much they mean to you, you never know what will happen.

As always, I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.