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Sunday, August 10, 2008

hello there....

This is another beautiful cake Kimberly made for an Anniversary Party. Isn't it a beautiful cake!

Another week has come and gone, the time seems to be slipping by so fast now. The weather is getting cooler each week, and the days are getting shorter too, if you notice. Today it is only going to be in the upper 60's, and rain of course. We seem to be getting September weather now, in the 70's during the day and around 50 at night. I noticed that on my way to work, the leaves on Gunhouse Road are starting to change, a sign of fall. Where did the summer go? Did we really even have a summer? It seems like winter just got over in May and now we are going into fall already.

School will be starting soon for all the neices and nephews. School shopping is well underway in all the stores. Every where I shopped this and the last few weekends, all the parents are buying the supplies and clothing. I am glad I do not have to worry about going to school any longer. I have been enjoying reading lately. Jenny turned me on to Catherine Coulter's FBI series of books and they are great. If you get a chance try the first book, the Cove, and see what you think. I know you will really enjoy them.

Joe called this week, he will be attending Ashworth University for his Associates Degree in Computer Information Management, then going on for a BS in more computer things, I am not really sure what it is going to be. I know he talked with me about a networking degree a while ago. I wish him the best. Love and miss him. I wish him the best on the Cisco exam.

Tomorrow is Nancy and Mary's birthday. Please if you see or talk with them, wish them a Happy Birthday!

Chris and Kim will be celebrating their anniversary on Saturday. Wish them a Happy Anniversary when you see them.

Elizabeth went to the Dr. this week and is growing by leeps and bounds. I think Diane said she was 9 lbs 8 oz. I could be wrong, but close. I don't remember how long though. The whole family is doing well.

Diane, Michael, and Mary are doing well too. Dianes garden is growing like weeds. Mrs domestic, who knew.

Me, I am just taking one day at a time. Work, work, work, as usual. News this week is not very interesting, but I caught you up on what is going on that I know about. I am missing Florida, and wish I was there with Ron and Jenny and all the other friends I have met, but right now it is not ment to be. Hopefully soon though.

Well, everyone enjoy your day and please stay safe, healthy, happy, and remember to tell those you care about, how you feel.

As always, you remain in my thoughts and prayers.

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