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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Morning Everyone

Another weekend has come and gone. They just seem to go by so quickly now. Just think, we are in August already. Soon school will be starting.

I went to the movies with Shelly yesterday. We saw the new Mummy movie. It was pretty good, but they really needed to have the original Evie back again, that would have completed the show. Overall, the movie was worth watching. It was also good to spend some time with Shelly. It has been a long time since we spent any time together.

Nancy and John are at Nancy's reunion, up at Ginnie's house. I was invited, but I had some things I needed to get done and spent some quality time with Shelly. I so appreciated Ginnie asking me. I hope all went well, it was suppose to rain off and on all day long, which it did here. I did get some grass cut, which was needed badly. I still have some more to cut, but it looks like it is going to rain again today. If it does, a book will be on today's menu along with hopefully the race.

I saw Diane and Michael Thursday, they both look well. She came to pick up a TV I had for her. They stayed for a while and we talked. It was good to see them again. They were going to babysit for Elizabeth on Friday night so Amy and Jason could go out to dinner and the movies.

Elizabeth is doing well, she is rolling, cooing, laughing, all the things babies do. Diane said she is very smart for her age. I have not seen her in a few weeks so I can not say on how she looks. Amy calls me and lets me know what is going on with her. Amy is also doing a new blog spot that will have pictures available to all. She will be using blogspot.com, it is the same as Joe's and mine. As soon as she gives me her new blog address, I will pass it on so all can see the new photo's and download them if you want, with out worry of virus's.

Ron and Jenny have been keeping me up on things going on in Florida. He was going to make these wings for a gathering yesterday. If you could just taste them, they melt in your mouth and taste fantastic. It was a new recipe that he tried on Jenny and I a few times before he would try it out on anyone else. He is very hard on himself if it does not turn out just right. I wish he would have some faith in himself, he is a VERY GOOD COOK! I wish I could have been down there for the gathering, it was with good friends, and they all wanted me there. I miss them all so much and can not wait to see them again, hopefully soon. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

Not much is going on with Sue and the family. They are in the middle of Demolition Derby season. Today is a big derby at the Otsego County Fair. Roger's car won its heat and will race today for the Otsego County Championship. If the car wins, it will qualify his driver to run at the state fair for the State Championship. I am not going, but will get the scoop from her tomorrow or tonight when she gets home. A lot of time has been spent on building and painting the cars. Sue paints the graphics on the cars, she is really good at it too.

Well, not much else is going on here, so I will bid you all a goodbye for now. Please stay happy, healthy, and safe, and remember, tell those around you how much they mean to you, you never know what will happen.

As always, I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

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