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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Good Morning Everyone

Well, it has been a while since I last wrote, I apologize for that. Nothing has really happened here to write about, but I will try to catch you up on things that have happened during the past week. The leaves are turning here rather quickly. Does this mean that we are going to have a early winter, it sure does look like it. The apple trees are so full, the limbs are breaking.

As I wrote in the last blog, Chris and Kim celebrated their anniversary last Saturday. John and Nan were down for that, I could not go because I was taking care of Diana's (my girlfriend) mother. Her and her husband finally had a chance to get away for a few days and asked me if I would stay with her, which I agreed. Evie and I had a good time and watched old movies.

Tuesday was Mackenzie and David's birthdays. Mackenzie was 6 and David 4. They are getting to be so big and grown up already, where does time go. I remember when both were born, and it doesn't seem that long ago. I did not get to talk with either of the kids, but sent gifts. I know David had a party with all his friends, and they all had a great time. Mackenzie had a bowling party on the past Saturday, I did not hear how that went. I hope she had a great time too. I would have went, but as I said before, I was babysitting.

Mary is going to go back to school for her GED. Diane has made arrangements with BOCES and the school district, along with NY, to get her back to school. If things work out, she will also be taking Culinary Arts also for the next 2 years. Please, everyone say a prayer that there will be an opening in the Culinary Arts class so she can start it in September, rather than in January. At any rate, she will be going to the GED classes starting in September. I wish her the best of luck and hope she takes it seriously.

Amy, Jason, and baby Elizabeth are doing great. Sue and Roger saw Elizabeth for the first time last Sunday. Sue says she looks just like Mom. I think she looks like Amy, with a little of Jason thrown in, but there is a slight look of mom in her. She is now 10 lbs. and growing like a weed.

Shelly is training to be a supervisor at her job. She is working "40" hours a week, I think she is learning what real work is about. She had been working about 24-28 hrs a week for the past year, so the full time is a shock to her system. LOL. She is doing it though. To get the position, she needs to get her drivers license. I hope she is working on it, she really needs to learn to drive, but is scared to learn for fear of making a mistake. Good luck Shell, love you and hope you start to take this in stride.

Sue and Roger are doing well. Sue is working hard as usual. They had some friends over last night, and watched the race.

Me, myself, are as usual, work, work, work. It seems to be a never ending thing in my life. I have been reading a great series by Catherine Coulter, it is the FBI series, thanks Jenny for turning me on to it. I am up to the fifth book called Riptide. This one is a little harder to get into, but I am plugging along. It should be as good as the others. Today, Sunday, is my reading and laundry day. I did go to the movies by myself yesterday. I went and saw Momma Mia, what a great movie. I recommend it if you remember ABBA and their music. The movie is not about ABBA, so don't worry, but their songs fit the movie fantastically. I really think everyone should "take a chance" and see the movie, it is really worth it. When you do go, stay through the credits, there is more and you will get a great laugh out of it.

Florida has been hit hard with rain this past week thanks to Fay. Ron and Jenny sustained water damage to their home. With 19+ inches of rain that fell, they had rivers for roads and still today, have a moat in front and on the side of their home. The company that put the roof on their home before they moved in, did a poor job and used inferior materials for the ridge cap and the bull around the chimney, this is where most of the leaks were. One sky light has some leak, which I question if they used ice shield around it? The pool was over filled, and it has still been raining there every afternoon, like they really need more. I really miss being down their and can not wait to see them again. I told Ron that I would give him a hand with repairs when I get down next.

The Baseball camp is finally over by us. The last group has left on Friday, thank goodness. The traffice by there was horrible, but it is finally over. YEAH!

Well, I have clothes to hang out to dry, birds to feed, plants to water, and a book to get to, so I will say goodbye for now. Please drop me a line and let me know if you want to see anything else in the blog or if you have any news to add for all to read about. Please let everyone know the blog address so they can keep in contact with us too. I miss you all and wish that you could all be here, or me there, but all our lives have taken their own paths, so this is the only way to get hold of everyone to let them know what is happening.

Everyone take care of yourselves and stay safe, happy and healthy!
You are all in my thoughts and prayers always.

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