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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another week closer

Well, it is another week closer to moving. Boxes being packed still, and many more to go. I want to thank everyone who has been so supportive. Your support has been a great comfort to me knowing that you understand why I need to do this. I am scared, but can not wait for a new chapter in my life. New job, new home, and new friends, but missing family. I never realized how much junk one person can accumulate over the years. I have been throwing away many things I have not used in years, giving family the opportunity to go through what I do not want to take and the rest is going to the thrift store in Davenport so some one else can use it. Everything seems, I hope, to be falling in place. It seems like there is so much to do and not enough time to get it done.

I did a real stupid thing on Friday, I left my cell on top of the car and drove off. Needless to say, when I found it on I88, it was in many pieces. It looked like a truck or car ran over it, with no hope of Resurrection..... Thank goodness I still had my old phone, which I reactivated. A new phone would cost me well over $200 and right now I can not afford it. The only problem is that it is not blue tooth and the wired ear port in the phone is broken along with the speaker phone button. I did order a new phone off line at a lot less in expense, and it should be in at the end of the week, I hope. I will be using my cell as the primary phone when I move down, thus the reason to get a newer phone that is dependable.

John, Nan and I went down to Chris and Kim's for Kiersten's birthday. We got started a little bit late do to my losing my phone, but we finally went down and had a good time. Kiersten's party was a lot of fun from what I could see. A lot of screaming little girls having a great time. I am so glad they were having such fun. Kiersten got a lot of nice gifts and Kim's cake was extraordinary as usual. A few little mishaps, but the cake worked. I helped out by hanging things up for Kim and some light housekeeping. I really enjoyed myself, thank you so much. I am going to miss not being able to be at the special occasions, but OOVOO is available and we intend to make good use of it.

Shelly is very anxious to start driving her car. I have not heard what has been going on over at Sue's, but I know she has been keeping busy.

We have had some major changes outside. The state is getting ready to put in the temporary bridge and have cut down many trees that buffered the sound of the road. It looks so different out there, we are so wide open now. More dust and noise.

The trees are so beautiful up here. Many of the trees are so many colors. I wish everyone could see how nice it looks. I will have to take pictures and post them.

I am going to say goodbye for now, I have a lot of work to do and sitting here typing is not getting it done. I hope everyone stays healthy over the coming winter months.

As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay healthy, happy and safe.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another Beautiful Sunday

This is a photo taken at the Oneonta warehouse during inventory. It is not the best photo, Light colored shirt and the harness I had to wear is not flattering at all. I thank him for taking it as a memento for me.

Here it is Sunday again, where did the weekend go? I have been busy packing and getting rid of things I have not used or seen in 6 months. The packing is going well. Things are getting set for the move. Utilities have been scheduled for turn on, on the 13th of October. I am getting excited for the up coming move, but there is still so much to do. I have 24 days before I leave for Florida.

I found my dishes, silverware, some kitchen towels, and many Tupperware of all kinds including glasses. Now all I need is pots and pans, microwave, toaster, the smaller things. I have to get the stuff for the bathroom as well, especially a shower curtain so I can take a shower, which I will get when I go down I guess.

Work has been keeping me busy lately. I come home and pack some more. I never realized how much junk one person can accumulate over the years. Now since this is a new chapter, time to get rid of the junk and start new. My will has been made along with the living will for medical. Now all I have to do is get it signed and notarized.

I have sent out new address cards to everyone, if I forgot you, I did not mean too, my address book was lost when my computer had problems so please let me know by contacting me at joannboman@stny.rr.com or give me a call on the house phone. Just a heads up, I will not have a house phone for a while when I move, I will be using my cell phone. If you have Verizon wireless, all calls to me on my cell phone are FREE and I can be called anytime. Otherwise, you will only hear from me on the weekends, where I can call for free to any phone, or after 9 pm at night during the week, but at that time I will be sleeping, because I have to be at work at 6 am. If you have the Internet and an video conference ability, I have a service called OOVOO. It is free and I can talk with you any time. You can download it for free at http://www.oovoo.com/.
I do have the ablility for other services including skype.

Shelly has finally driven on the road. I let her drive my car from her house to mine, she did really well. Now she needs to get her car on the road, practice, and get her license. She needs to have confidence in herself, she does really well.

Elizabeth has stretched to 25" long and a little over 10lbs. She is now 4 months old. She had to go to the Dr. this past week for her shots. Now Amy and Jason can start to feed her cereal by the spoon, which is a good thing they say.

Diane had surgery on her elbow on Wednesday, she is doing very well. Mary is helping her out.

I did here from Alice this past weekend. Joey is in Japan, stationed at the same base as Uncle Alan was. This is great news for the whole family. Everyone is doing well on the Island from what she told me. She sounded happy for me about the move, a little shocked that it was actually happening, but happy.

Well, it is back to packing again. Everyone stay safe.

As always, you will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Stay healthy, happy and safe.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The time has come.

Well everyone, I have done it. I was offered a job in Florida and I accepted it. Yes, you read it right, I will be moving to Palm Bay, Florida on October 15th. I know it will be a big shock to a lot of people, but I decided I needed to do this for Joanne. It is time that Joanne starts to enjoy some living. I have new friends that are my age and I enjoy their company as they do mine. I will be 52 this year and it is time for changes, basically, to start a new chapter in my life. I have prayed every day that this would happen, and it did. The opportunity presented it-self, and I went for it. I am ecstatic, yet scared! So many emotions running through my head all at once, so many things to do, especially packing.

I will miss the family, but everyone seems to have busy lives now and they are always on the go. Family, extended families, etc. I will miss Christmas most of all. I so enjoy watching everyone open their gifts and watching their faces. Photo's taken of all the events that day and on Birthdays, Anniversary's, etc., I will miss all that. I will NOT miss the cold, shoveling the snow, and being charged to live in NY via taxes, and high prices for gas. I will miss the friendships I have forged over the years and the special friends that have forged a special place in my heart. I will have to enjoy these events now via OOVOO. It is a free video service. I can actually see peoples faces and talk with them live. I suggest that everyone download the program. I also have skype and a few other video services.

I hope everyone will wish me well on this adventure. I welcome you to come down and visit. As details roll in, I will keep you apprised of what is going on. Everyone stay well and safe. Please stay in touch and let me know what you think. More information will follow over the weekend.

As always, I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts. I hope to hear from you all soon.

Love Jo