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Monday, June 11, 2007

June 11, 2007

Well, it it now Monday, another day closer to Friday, I can not wait.

Grass looks like it needs cutting again and the flowers look beautiful. They are blooming so pretty and colorful.

I went to the Daily Star to day to put Shelly's Graduation anouncement in for the graduation section to be published next Friday June 22. I hope everyone will try to get the paper and see it. Nancy found the poem, Sue chose it from about 6 different ones, and I was just kind of the middle man with suggestions. lol. As you can see, her senior picture is on the side of this posting. She looks so grown up.
Well, I am keeping this short, Happy Birthday to Lynda, on the 10th and Andrew on the 14th. Andy, welcome to the half century mark. It really is no different than yesterday.
Everyone keep safe and healthy, you are all always in my prayers and on my mind.


Joe said...

Congrats on entering the blog world... it is a strenuous and difficult world to be in... J/K... Hope you have fun doing it, looking forward to seeing more!

Jeanne said...

Hi Joanne,

Congratulations on your blog ... haven't seen you in a long time so this is a nice way to see what your up to ... hey I'm turning the big 5-0 shortly ... any suggestions? Take care and good luck .. Jeanne