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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Saturday June 23, 2007

Well, this has been a very busy 3 weeks getting ready for Chris, Kim, Kiersten, David and Uncle Joe to arrive at the house. Joe arrived on Wednesday, more like Thursday, at about 2:30 am. It was so nice to wake up in the morning and have him come out with this great big "hi" to me. It was so great to see him again, it seemed like so long, Christmas, since I saw him last. Later on Thursday, Grandma and Grandpa brought the grandchildren home to spend the night. They were so excited to stay. Grandma and Grandpa said the trip up to NY was full of "are we there yet?" questions.

Meanwhile, I was home painting, finishing up the last minute things, which I never really finished everything on the "to do" list. I tried to get as much done as I could between the rain drops. It seemed like every half hour it would rain enough to get every thing wet, then the sun would come out and dry it up, just to have it rain again. What's up with this crazy weather the last few days?

It was so good to see the Kids again, I have not seen them since Chris's birthday party. They are so full of energy! I wish I could bottle up the energy and sell it, I'd make a fortune! Grandma gave Kiersten "little pet shop toy" and David a Monster truck, both were thrilled. They played and played. I brought down my matchbox cars I have had since Shelly and Timmy were babies. I think David's favorite part of playing with the matchbox cars, were the race cars.

Kiersten kept asking to see my cats, which I did only after I vacuumed first. I did not think they had so much hair! She just loved them. Annie as usual just loved the attention. Jo Lynn just tolerated it. Angel and Tina both wanted nothing to do with her. She just loved feeding Annie and Tina treats though.

On Friday I came down around 6:30 and both kids were playing in the bedroom. We had a good time. Slowly, everyone started to wake up, and a new day is in full swing.

Grandpa and I worked on getting the last lattice together for blocking the filter. This was again between the rain drops. I had to leave for a few minutes to get Shelly to rehearsal for Graduation that night. When I came back, we started to put the corners together, I looked up and Chris and Kim arrived! Kim had to finish working on the wedding cake before bringing to the reception hall before the wedding.

I was off to Shelly's graduation about 6:15. It started right on time, 7pm. They sat her in the third row back, why, who knows. She is the smallest in her class, 4' 11", and she had all these tall people around her. It finally ended about 8:30 or so and we took some pictures out side. There were 97 scholarships handed out for only 69 kids. Of course not all the graduates received them, I do know almost all applied for one or more. Most of the kids will be going off to school or Internet classes, which Shelly is doing for Criminal Justice thru ITT institute. I wish her well. She will also be going for her drivers permit! She will make a good driver, she just needs confidence in her self and her ability to do it. Shelly did receive a regents diploma and she should do well in her future.

John, Nan and Joe all were getting ready to leave for the wedding when I left for Shelly's graduation.

I came home just before 9 and thought John and Nan would be following with in the hour, so I did not attempt to go over to the reception. No one had cell phones on or with them, so I could not call them. Come to find out, the reception did not get over until after 11:30 that night, I wish I had known.

I woke up early Saturday am, John and Nan were already up and on the phone with Chris. I tried to get up the energy to do a few more things outside, but only got one accomplished, that was caulking the side of the garage eve. By now, Chris, Kim and the kids arrived for lunch. We had such a great time. Lunch was great as usual, John at the barbi and Nan did a great job with all the eggs, salads, and everything else that needed doing. The kids played outside, Joe took pictures of the gardens as his mom showed he all the plantings. She did such a beautiful job on all the gardens she put in. Job well done!

Now it was time to say "goodbye". Before everyone left, Joe took a great photo of everyone, it is one I will cherish for a long time. To say goodbye was hard, it has been so long since both boys and families have all been up to NY and home. It was good to see everyone and I hope they all had a good time. I know the old saying goes "There is no place like home" and this is true. I think everyone was looking forward to getting back home and having some down time. I know everyone was tired from all the work and driving. But it is also true, It is nice to get away and visit.

It is good night to all for now. I want to thank Chris, Kim and the kids, and Joe for all making the past few days so special. I also want to congratulate Shelly for getting over the first of many hurtle in her life. It is one of many to come. Just remember, we adults (mom, dad, aunts and uncles) have lived long lives and have had many experiences you can learn from if you just ask and listen. Safe travel for Joe on his trip back to Georgia. Drive safely Joe.

You are all in my prayers and on my mind often. Everyone stay safe and healthy. Hope to see you soon.

Joe should have more interesting information on his blog. His address is http://injoesmind.blogspot.com/ I really think you will find more information and pictures. He has been at blogging a lot longer than I have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was indeed a blessing to have Joe and Chris and family "home" again. What a wonderful visit!! I love you all!
Psalm 79:13
"So we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thanks for ever: we will shew forth thy praise to all generations."