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Sunday, July 1, 2007

Special Day Today

Happy 35th Anniversary John and Nancy!

I remember that day 35 years ago. One of the memories was in the church when nan's mom spotted a bee in her veil and everyone trying to shoo it out. John in his brown glasses, and a very good time at the reception.

We had a funny with the 35 too. David will be 3 this year and Kiersten will be 5.

In 1975, Christopher came along, what a day when they told us they were going to have a baby. The order was in.

In 1982, Joseph came along. He was a joy also. He was in to all the same things his brother was doing.

Both boys grew up to be very special young men and my neighbor told me "what fine successful young men John and Nancy raised. They should be very proud".

John and Nancy went out to dinner today and when they get home I will have an Ice Cream cake for them.

Everyone please wish John and Nan another 35 loving, happy, and healthy years to come.

Other things happening today. It is beautiful outside today, it is only 65 degrees, sun is shining, a little windy though. Today, though, I will be inside reading my Data Base Processing text book trying to catch back up on my school work. I am about 3 weeks behind, ouch. The Nextel race is also on, so I will have that on in the background.

I heard from Auntie Alice on Friday, She fell, but she said she is ok as of Saturday. She does not know what happened. Her shoes stopped, but she kept going. No broken bones, just lots of black and blue around her face, etc. Please keep her in your prayers for fast healing. May the lord also keep her safe and healthy.

This is going to be a busy week. I have to work 10 hour days on Monday and Tuesday to make up my hour for Wed and Thurs. I have Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sunday off. I think it is the longest vacation I have had in a few years. I do not know what I am doing those days, but I will enjoy them off anyway. I know Friday I have to have the oil changed, tires rotated, sounds like fun.

I hope everyone has a very safe and happy 4th. If you are driving, please drive carefully and safely. If you are going to fireworks enjoy!

You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay Healthy, happy and safe.

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