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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Another birthday come and gone

This is my birthday cake from yesterday. It was such a great day. I felt special all day long. I woke up early and did my usual Saturday thing. When I was going over to Wal*Mart, I received my first birthday call, from Andy. What a great surprise. We spoke for a while during the shopping trip. It was great hear from him. Next, when I got home, Nancy was up and wished me a happy birthday as I unloaded my grocery's from the car during the rain. I then saw John and he also wished me happy birthday. I saw my phone had a call and returned the call. Sue said Shelly was looking for me, but she had already left for work and I will most likely see her later. I went back over to Diana's house across the street and spent some time with Evie and the dogs watching some movies.

I went to the mail box that morning and got a nice surprise card from Chris, Kim and the kids. It was so nice that Kiersten signed the card and so did David, with help. The gift was appreciated too. They really did not have to do that either. I love and miss them so.

I told Evie that I was going over to my house about 3 and going to go to dinner with John and Nancy and I would see her later. When I got home at 3, I decided to go and get gas before the weather got any colder (Sunday night a killing frost is predicted). When I got home, the Rizzo's had returned from the reunion and I needed to retrieve my tea cup from over there. I filled Diana and John in on what had transpired Friday and Saturday. Came home and went to dinner with John and Nan. Dinner was great. Good food and company. I told John and Nan that they did not have to take me out, but they wanted to. I had such a great time!

When I got home I wanted to just flake out. When I came in the house, there was a card lying on the counter. It was from Shelly telling me she just missed me. The card was beautiful and she also gave me a gift card, which was much appreciated. It had been a busy 24 hours and I needed some down time. I went upstairs and got changed and just hung out watching some shows that I copied the week prior. It was then I received a call from Joe. He always remembers my birthday and gives me a call. We spoke for a while, it was so good to hear his voice and it reminds me how much I miss him. I will see him at Christmas though.

When I came downstairs later on. John told me to chill for a few minutes. Out came a few presents and a cake. I told them dinner was enough. I received a beautiful bird feeder, which is hanging up already with the birds just loving it and a kitty fleece with the cat staring at gold fish. It is so nice and warm. The ice cream cake was so tasty too.

I want to thank everyone who sent cards and all the phone calls. It is so nice to know you are loved and cared for. Just knowing that you all took time out of your day to remember me was so heart warming. Just thinking bout it brings tears to my eyes. You will never know how special each and everyone of you means to me. Thank you for sharing my Birthday with me.

It it Sunday now and cool out. It is suppose to rain today and have a killer frost tonight. The means no hitting the snooze alarm in the morning. I will have to get out and scrap the window, like I had to do on Friday. I really think this frost will be heavier, so I will start the car and let it run for a few minutes. Then it is back to work again.

I just want you all to know that you always remain in my thoughts and prayers. Please everyone stay safe, healthy and happy. Until next time.

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