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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Shelly

"Happy Birthday Beany"

Well, today is Shelly's 20th birthday. It is hard to believe, I remember when she was born. So small and tiny. Time flew by so fast, now she is a woman out of her teens. It is too bad she had to work today, but that is life in the working world.

Yesterday I went to Ester's Birthday party. It was so much fun. We bowled and had pizza and cake. Today I am a little sore, can hardly move. I think I used muscles I have not used in years and they are crying out, ouch. John, Nancy and I haven't bowled in years and did not do too bad. John needs to find a new groove and what will work for him since he can not bend over too well. He did not do to bad though, kept right up there. Nancy did fantastic. She broke 100 twice, I can not say the same for me. I told Nan that we should just go over on a Saturday afternoon early and maybe bowl a couple of games, we will see what happens.

The weather is cool here, in the 50's during the day and in the 30's and 40's during the night. What is funny is that I expect that one day I will wake up and be on my way to work at 5 am and it will be snowing. Hopefully the weather is back on track again. The rain has been great, everything is so dry and we needed rain so badly.

I spoke with Amy last week and she told me she was getting married on December 1st which is a Saturday. She wanted to marry on a Saturday so she could invite a few people to watch. The wedding is going to be at Diane's house. They are still planning a church wedding in June. Their baby is due on May 14th according to her Dr. They are so excited! Diane and Michael are painting a babies room at their house with pictures of Winney the Pooh sketched on the wall by Jay. Apparently he is a very good artist. Amy and Jason can not do anything to their trailer because they rent it. Amy will be having an ultrasound next week and she told me that she and Jay want to know the sex of the baby when they are able to tell them; right now the ultrasound is for the babies heart beat. Please keep them in your prayers.

It was been a while since I spoke with Joe. I read his blog and for some reason it seems down. I do not want to pry as to what is going on, when he is ready, he will tell me, meanwhile I will say an extra prayer that the Lord guides him with what ever he needs help with. I still miss him very much.

I spoke with Andy a few days ago. Tried to give him words of encouragement. He will be going through some rough times over the next few weeks. To top it all off, his sister Ro is not doing well with the Chemo. The dr's may be stopping it and just let nature take it's course. Please say an extra prayer for them.

Well, this is going to be a short blog and I wish you all the best. As always you all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

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