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Sunday, December 23, 2007

2 days before Christmas

This is Chris and Kimberly's tree. Merry Christmas to all!

Here it is 2 days before Christmas and it is going to rain. Out of the 14 inches of snow we had totally on the ground, only about 5 remain. Many Icy spots in the driveway will have to be salted before the heavy rain starts. Drains have been cleared, garage doors cleared of snow, now I think I will be ready for the rain tonight. Tomorrow it is suppose to turn colder and have some snow showers. This is going to be my traveling day to Pennsylvania, Christmas eve day.

Today I am cooking up the Swedish meatballs and getting them ready for travel in the crock pot. I will be having Christmas with Sue, Roger and Shelly this afternoon when she gets home from work, Shelly that is. All presents are already in the car and I just have to wash a few clothes and pack. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone. Christmas is so special to me as it was to Mom.

I spoke with Alice today and she and all the kids are going to Alan's for Christmas. Karen will be making it down on Christmas Day and will be spending the rest of the week down there. I wish them all a Very Merry Christmas. It has been a while since I have seen anyone from the Island, but I do converse with them through e-mail.

Amy is doing well, all of her blood tests on the baby came back negative for Downs, etc. I do not know all the tests that they preformed. Diane and Michael are having Christmas at their house with all the girls and the grandkids. I am so glad for this, Christmas should be spent with family and friends. Amy and Jason will be spending their first Christmas as Husband and Wife.

Well, I will say good bye for now. I will be posting a special blog tomorrow. Please, everyone who needs to travel, travel safely.

As always, you all remain in my heart, mind and prayers always.

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