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Friday, December 14, 2007

Awaiting another round of snow.

Here we go again. Snow storm warning are up again for Saturday night to Monday am. It seems that the weather experts are saying that 2 lows will be coming together tomorrow and moving up the coast creating a Noreaster. On the Syracuse station, Dave Eichorn is saying we may have up to 2 feet of snow depending on whether we have sleet mixed during the Sunday part of the storm. It also depends on how close the low pressure comes to the coast. We may just get an icy mix. If it does mix, the snow amounts will be less. At least I do not have to work this weekend, it will be Monday that I worry about. I am going to try to get some Christmas shopping done tomorrow in the am, before it starts.

This week has been a painful week. With all the changes in the barametric pressure, it seems everyone has been aching really bad, including me. This happens everytime before a major storm comes in. We have all learned to live with it, it becomes part of life when living in a 4 season area.

At work we had our holiday luncheon. It was great, with good food and deserts. We all received a flash light and long sleeve Covidien shirt, light blue in color. Monday they will be drawing tickets for the center peices on the table during the 2 days of the parties (they broke us down in to 4 different luncheons due to the large number of employees).

Today I took Shelly down to the dentist in Vestal. They ended up pulling an extra tooth. I feel so sorry for her, she is so pale and had general anesthesia for it. It will be a while before she starts to feel better. Please say a prayer for quick healing for her.

In His Hands
The Hands of our Creator
Lord and King of Heaven above
Are the Saviors Hands,
Forever reaching out to us with love

In His Hands

The Hands that made the world and gave the sun and moon their light
And the tiny Hands of a baby born one cold December night….
The Hands that stilled the wind and tamed the furry of the sea
And the calloused Hands of a carpenter who lived in poverty…
The Hands that held the power to break the binding chains of sin
are the gentle Hands that washed the feet of the tired and dusty men…
The Hands that cleansed the leper, healed the blind and raised the dead
Are the praying Hands of the one who cried, “Not My will, but Thine instead…”
The Hands that shaped the universe and flung the stars in space
Are the nail-pierced hands of a dying man who suffered in our place…
The Hands of our creator, Lord and King of Heaven above
Are the Saviors Hands, forever reaching out to us with love.

I received this in an e-mail and thought you might get a good feeling from it, I know I did. The email was about love and friendship. Everyone would love to have someone go to this length to show they are cared about by someone, be it for a friendship or relationship.

I would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You all are in my thoughts an prayers always. Please say an extra prayer for those in need, including the soldiers both past and present.

My love to all!

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