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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to all!

This picture is not the best, but it was taken from the CNN website yesterday as the wreaths were laid at the gravestones in Arlington National Cemetery. Say a prayer for these soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice and for those past an present, serving the country for their safety, and a safe return home to their families.

I want to wish each and everyone a Very Merry Christmas! I hope part or all of your day is spent with the special family and friends that are close to your heart and those whom you can not be with, please give them a call and let them know you are thinking about them. I know I have many phone calls to make today.

I spent a wonderful day and evening with my family. Everyone got such beautiful gifts, but being together, I think, was the best gift of all. The kids had so much fun. Of course, as kids do, they wanted to play with everything they received. Joseph was the primary photographer for the evening, I really did not have a good vantage point and was helping to get many of the boxed toys out of the packaging, while watching everyone open their respective presents. I had a lot of fun watching and helping the kids, it really made me feel useful. John was also taking photo's and I will have to get pictures from him as well. All in all, I think everyone had a good time and received excellent gifts, I know I did and appreciate the gifts tremendously.

I got up early this morning and have been reflecting on everything that has happened over the past 24 hours. It just warms my heart to think; I feel very blessed to have such great family and friends, people that care about me. Kiersten got up about 7:15 and has been playing quietly. I think she, like me, is use to getting up early. I have been gathering all my stuff together because I will be traveling home later today. Everyone that will be doing any traveling today, please drive safely. I know my cousin Karen and her son Zach, will be traveling down to the Island to have Christmas with her whole family.

I am going to let everyone go and spend the day with those special people in your lives. I care about you all and wish you the Merriest of Holidays.

Love to all. You all will always remain in my heart, mind, and prayers.

Until next time. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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