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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Another snowy weekend

Good luck to Dale Jr at the Daytona 500!

Here it is again, snowing. I am so looking forward to spring and the warmer weather! The one good thing being stuck in doors is, NASCAR has started. I am so enjoying watching the drivers get back on the track again. I am excited about the up coming season. If the Shootout practice last night is any indication of what this season will be like, it should be good!

Nothing much is really happening up here. I am home working on David's baby blanket, the one I was suppose to have made for him before he was born, that was almost 4 years ago. With school, so much as been put off. The blanket is coming along very well, and the fact it is fun and relaxing, is an added bonus.

I am still waiting on my final grade for the last class. As soon as that is posted, I can take my semester finals. I wish the school would hurry up, I want to get this over with. Thanks again to everyone that has said that extra prayer for me and encouraged me to continue when I was so fustrated with one class or another. Your confidence in me was overwhelming and appreciated.

I am a little under the weather this weekend. I woke up with a sore throat and body aches to beat the band. Everyone at work is either getting over being sick or just getting it. I really do not wish anyone this illness. A little liquid tylenol for cough and sore throat, some halls, and puffs with vicks in it, seems to be the ticket. I am planning to stay in all weekend, work on my blanket, watch Nascar on Speed, along with the Shootout tonight, and wrap the weekend up with the time trials for the Daytona 5oo tomorrow at 1pm.

I am going to cut this short, I am a bit tired and want to lie back work on my blanket.

As always, you all remain in my heart and thoughts. I will always keep you in my prayers too. Please stay happy, healthy and safe.

Love to all.

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