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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Good Sunday Morning Everyone!

Good morning everyone. Today is Sunday and another week has gone bye again.

A few things happened this week, First, lets wish Jason (Amy's husband) a Happy Birthday. His birthday was Friday the 22ed. Diane and Michael had a small dinner and cake for him, and then they all sat around and watched some movies. You could not do much because it was snowing out and the roads were horrible, so the kids ended up staying over that night.

As I said, the roads were horrible and driving was bad all day long. I slid twice on the way home. Once on gunhouse hill on the Oneonta side, which also happens to be the winding side of the hill and the steepest side, and then when I got in to Oneonta on southside by quickway. Some one stopped quickly 2 cars in front of me and I just slid to a stop with my heart beating like a drum in a quick beat. I hope everyone got home safely that day, I know I finally did after I picked up some things from Wal*Mart.

Everyone is doing well here. Nothing really to report. I did get my tickets to Florida this week and can not wait to get to the warm weather. Ron and Jenny are looking forward to me coming down and spending some time together. I am looking forward to relaxing and being able to get out and walk in the warm weather. To be able to get away from NY and experience new things just excites me. I have also booked a flight for June/July, over the 4th of July week. This is just before Jenny's birthday and I am looking forward to spending some time and celebrating her birthday early with her and Ron. I also look forward to seeing all the birds, Mojo and Shilo the dogs. I am counting down the days until I fly out and am Florida bound. It seems everyone at work is planning a trip somewhere. I know of 3 of us who are flying somewhere. 2 to Florida and one to AZ. We all are looking forward to getting out of the Northeast to somewhere warm and it just happens to be that all of us are the older workers in the building too.

I can not wait until spring gets here and the flowers start to come up and the trees start to get their leaves. Once the flowers start breaking through the dirt to the surface, then I know spring is just around the corner and the warm weather will finally start to move in to place. As usual, we will probably be complaining about the warm/hot weather when summer gets here. If spring holds true to form, I bet it will be about 3-4 weeks before the flowers start to come up. HURRY SPRING, we are all waiting for you.

I am working on Davids baby quilt and it is coming along pretty well. I can not wait until I can give it to him, it has been 3 1/2 years late. I know he will like it. As soon as I am done with this blanket, I need to start the afghan for Amy's baby. She is due on May 11th and I need to try to get it done before the baby comes, wish me luck.

The California races for this weekend are a little behind. It has been raining there for the past few days and now they are going to try to do the Sprint cup race and the Nationwide race today. That should be very interesting considering that there are a few drivers doing double duty this weekend and it will be 800 miles total for those guys.

Looks to be snow this Tuesday. The storm that is in CA right now is forecast to be in the Northeast by Tuesday or so. Here it comes again?
I talked with the College this week to find out when my project will be graded so I can take my final semester exams. They are telling me that it could take another 2 weeks before it is graded. Please say an extra prayer that they get it graded soon so I can take the semester exam and graduate. The waiting is just horrible. As most of you know, I am not a very patient person.

I am going to let everyone go for now. I wish everyone safe travel. Please stay healthy and safe.

Love to all and as always, you all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

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