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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Good morning

These flowers are from Nancy's garden last year. I know it will not be long before we see them again, because spring is coming. I hope you enjoy them.

I want to wish everyone a good morning. Hope your day is going well. I am going to keep this short, not much has been happening here.

Amy had her baby shower at her grandmothers yesterday. She said she received a lot of nice clothing, diapers, and wipes.

Michael Ryan also had his birthday party 2 days early, but he seemed like he was having a good time. He had a bowling party over at holiday lanes. His dad was also there along with grandma and many other friends. His cake was a Monster truck cake.

Michael, Dianes husband, had his birthday yesterday. I called and wished him a Happy Birthday too.

John, Chris, and Joe are at Bristol for the race this weekend. I hope they are having a good time. It is good that father and sons are sharing their time together on a special weekend. Please pray for safe travel for them on their return to their homes and family. I know that Kim, Nancy and the kids are doing well, the kids love to have grandma there and frequently ask her and grandpa to come to their house.

I am still on cloud 9 after learning about graduating. I hope this feeling lasts for a while. Thanks to all that have congraulated me, it means a lot to know you care.

I am home this weekend working on my blankets. They are coming along, slowly, but coming a long.

The sun is trying to break out here right now. I do not know how long it will last, but it is good to see the sun.

Everyone have a great day and please stay safe and healthy.

As always, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

love to all.

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