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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter to everyone.

Happy Easter to Everyone!

I hope you get to spend this special day with those you love and care about.

It has been an exciting weekend, not all good, but everyone is safe.

Friday started off ok after I got out of work. I came home, it was cold and windy out and I had made plans to just clean and that went as planned.

Saturday was another story. It started off ok, but then came the phone call from Shelly. Sue was taking her to work and they passed the corner by my house and noticed the fire trucks and police about a tenth of a mile from the corner up 205. Sue noticed it was a car accident, and of course she recognised the truck as looking like Timmy's, but was not sure. She continued to take Shelly to work and in turn, Shelly called me to see if I had the scanner on, which I did, and asked if it was a personal injury and if I knew if it was Timmy in the accident. I told her I would go down and check it out. As I got closer, it was indeed Tim's truck. I stopped and made sure he was ok, which he was. He explained what happened and who got tickets, which he did not. I told him to call his mother and he said he would. I called Sue and Shelly and assured them he was ok and that he would call. I saw him later in the day at Sue and Rogers, and he was ok, but his truck was not so lucky. Many repairs will have to be made, at least it is still drivable.

I picked up Shelly from work and brought her home. When I got home, I noticed a skunk in the middle of the road going in circles. Diana my neighbor, and I tried to coax the skunk to the side of the road so it would not get hurt. Cars were flying over the bridge, which has caution signs all over it, along with caution lights, this is do to the road on the bridge coming apart very badly. Some of the cars were coming to complete stops with out warning to avoid the animal. I called the troopers and told them of the incident and could they send someone before an accident happens. When the troopers finally arrived, the animal was on the side of the road, but quickly went back in to the road. Diane, my sister was sweeping the bread to the side of the road to coax the skunk to stay in the dirt, unfortunately it did not work. I asked the troopers if we could throw some thing over it and carry it back to the other side of the road in to the gully, they said if it is rabid that if I get bit or if any one else gets bit, the shots are not pleasant. They felt the animal was not acting right, so they decided the best thing was to put it down, which they did. I felt really bad for the animal, I tried, but it was not ment to be.

The rest of the day went pretty much normally. I am still planning to do cleaning all day Sunday and get my final list of things I need to do before I go on vacation on Friday, done.

Joe bought a motorcycle. He just loves it. You can see pictures of it on his blog, which there is a link to it listed on the right under Joe's mind.

I received my degree in the the mail this week along with my grades and final test results. I ended up with a 3.65 gpa. I am so proud of myself, to think I worked so hard for it and finally did it. Never think you can not do something, it just takes some will power and support from the people you love and care about, along with special friends, to help you along the way. You can do anything, I did. If it was not for Shannon and Rose, I would never have even started college. I thank them with all my heart for getting me started. Thanks to everyone who congratulated me.

As I stated above, I am leaving on Friday for Florida. Warm weather and good friends. I am hoping when I come home, that I will be bringing spring, warm weather and sunshine home with me. We have had enough of winter and snow, it is time for spring! Please wish me a safe trip both to and from Florida, and say a little prayer too.

As always, I will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay safe and healthy.

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