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Monday, March 31, 2008

Hi Everyone

This is for all those fine Navy gentlemen I met over the weekend. Thank you for the great company. S.O.F.A is a great group of men! (and Ladies)

Here it is Monday morning and 2 1/2 days of my vacation are completely gone. I have been having such a great time, you could not know. I have met some really great people over the weekend I hope will remain friends.

It has been an interesting set events leading up to me arriving in Orlando. I had to stay over night in Albany Thursday do to the snow we were getting. Sue does not like to drive in it to begin with, so when she called me on Thursday, I already was thinking about getting a motel room and shuttling to the airport. She was happy to here this I am sure. Sue and Shelly drove me up and it took an hour and a half for her to get home.

I woke up in the morning to snow falling and snow on the ground, any surprise, I think not. I took the shuttle to the airport and there was a long line for security checks, but it went quickly. Needless to say, I boarded with out a problem, but do to the snow, the plane had to be deiced, not once, but twice.... this led to sitting an hour on the tarmak.

I arrived in Philly and ran to my next connection, and as I arrived, they changed the gate to the other end of the complex which ment running to the next gate to catch the flight. It just happened that when I arrived at the departing gate, they delayed the flight by a half hour, and the luck continues.... I had to call Ron to let him know about the delays so he would not be sitting at the airport and waiting for long. We finally took off 45 minutes late. The weather was so so in Philly, but no snow in sight.

I finally arrived in Orlando and Ron met me out side. It was so good to see him again, I did not realize how much I missed him and Jenny until I saw him. I got a great big welcoming hug, which I greatly appreciated. The weather could not have been better, it was 84 and SUNNY! Off to the stores for some last minute things, then home. The girls were so happy to see me and I them. I was talking with Ron, and Jenny came home, it was go great to see her, I missed her something fierce! Our hug just seemed to go on and on, both of us saying how much we missed each other and how glad we were to see each other again.

Saturday and Sunday were full of excitement, fun, good food, and new friends. Saturday was Rons S.O.F.A. party. This was a gathering of retired Navy men and their wives. Every one brought something, stayed for a long time and just had great time! I was taking pictures of everyone and they most appreciated it. The photo's are being forwarded on to all of the group. Ron received a lot of emails of thanks from all who attended. They all really seemed to enjoy themselves.

Sunday was great too. Jenny and I had lunch with Rosa. This was a girls luncheon and we had a blast! We plan to get together again some time this week. When we got home, some other friends I met back in November were here. It was good to see them, we also had a good time, dinner was great along with the company.

I must say, I really needed this time. I am having a blast and will be very disappointed when it comes to an end on Sunday, when I board the plane for NY. Jenny and Ron have been so great, love them both.

On to other things. Joe's bike ride, a clip from the ride can be found on his blog site, was fun. I was wondering if he taped his camera to his helmet. I was having a great time riding along with him, occasionally looking down at the speedodmeter. Joe, great job, I really enjoyed the trip.

I really want to thank Nancy for feeding my girls. It is so good to know that they are being taken care of and loved. I worry about them and miss them badly. Thank you again Nan.

I went for a walk on Sunday morning, it was so peaceful. I was going to go this morning, but we are having morning showers. Right now the sun is starting to break through and it is looking to be another sunny day.

I am going to say goodbye for now. I will try to post again soon.

As always, you are all always on my mind, in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care,

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