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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hello Everyone!

This is a photo taken by Joe last year. I wanted to share it with everyone as a reminder of what is to come in the spring. Hopefully it will lift your spirits and bring a smile to your face.

Sorry it has been a while since I updated. Things just got away from me. I have been reading a good series of books by Janette Oke. The series is called Love Comes Softly. It is a very good series and I recommend it to anyone who wants a warm feeling and quick reading. I could not put the book down. I just started the second one out of 8. There are also a series of movies based on the books that are also worth watching. Enjoy.

Boy, isn't the weather crazy? First we have warm, then cold, rain, then snow and wind. Now we have flooding followed by snow, wind and temps in the teens. Next week I see we are going to have temps in the mid to upper 40's again, not that I am complaining about that. March, the most unpredictable month of the year, it is a guess what we will have minute to minute.

I got an email from Alice about Karen's web site. Everyone should check it out. She and a friend are selling jewelry at fairly good prices. http://www.advancedcreations.net/ If you click on the link, it will take you to her site. I will also be adding it to my favorite links to the right. Please check it out, I really think you will be surprised.

Well, it is done. I have taken my final semester exam. I will be sending it in on Monday for grading. Please wish me luck that I pass all 5 of the courses, then I will graduate! Thank you to all that have supported me through the past 4 years. It has been a long, hard struggle, but I can truly say that it was worth it.

I will be going on vacation in a few weeks to Florida. I am so looking forward to seeing Ron and Jenny, and of course the puppies and birds. Ron and Jen, it will not be long now. I am also looking forward to some warm weather!

I think you will all agree, it is time for spring up here in NY! It will not be too long, some robins are back, along with the geese. The geese have been flying over head for a few weeks now. I am just waiting for the flowers to start coming up. I don't know if they will get through the frozen ground or not. Hopefully, the sun will start to warm it up so they can come up.

Easter will be here in 2 weeks and I am hoping I can get up to the cemetery then to put the palm cross on Moms grave. It is a tradition that I do this, but the cemetery will not open the gates unless the snow is gone. Please say a prayer we start to get some better weather soon.

Amy is doing well. The baby is growing by leaps and bounds. She is getting quite the belly on her according to Diane. Diane is planning a baby shower for the 12th of April, I think that is a Saturday. She will be having a shower this weekend given by her dad's side of the family. I hope she gets a lot of nice things. After the shower, I will find out what she got and be able to plan, as well as other people, what else she will need for Elizabeth (that is the babies name). Keep them in your prayers for a healthy and happy baby.

Well everyone, I think it is time to close. I wish you all warm sunny days ahead. May they be healthy, happy and safe ones.

As always, you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Love to all.

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