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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Happy Birthday Shannon

Kiersten on her first day of school.

Today is Shannons Birthday and I wish her the best. She is a girl I work with.

Well, it is rainny here today. We really need the rain too. It does not help that I am trying to dry my clothes on the line, but I will take them upstairs and put them on a hanger and let them dry there. They should be dry by morning.

What a race last night. I really think that DEI and RCR should go back to the drawing board with their engine program! Last night may have cost JR his chance to win, again. It will never be known if he would have gotten in to the chase or not, it was really close, but another 5 laps to go race and the engine blows again....

Kiersten started school and she loves it. By the end of the day David is asking where Kiersten is. Kim took him to school to pick her up and as he ran to her, he called her name and when he reached her, gave her a big hug. Otherwise he is doing well.

I have not heard from Kim as to how Michael and Mackenzie did on their first day. I will eventually hear, I am sure.

Nothing really has happened this week to really write about, so this is going to be a short blog.

Please, all ways remember, I will always keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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