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Saturday, September 1, 2007

Happy Beautiful Saturday Morning!

It is a beautiful morning. Only 50 degrees this am. Great sleeping weather.

Well, I did not get the pool closed yesterday. I will get it done this am. I have to vacuum it and then put the pillow in it, then the cover. I am not going to drop the water until I get all the chemicals, still short winterizer.

Spoke with John this am. Plans on flying today. It should be a nice day for it. I hope the kids enjoy seeing grandpa fly his plane. He also plans on swimming again today. I am jealous about the swimming. I would love to relax swimming, but it is too COLD.

I hope to get the grass cut today so I do not have to do anything for the next few days, except maybe wash, wax, and vacuum my car for the fall.

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!

As always, everyone remains in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay happy, healthy, and safe.

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