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Monday, September 3, 2007

Happy Labor Day to all!

Happy Labor Day to everyone.
This Photo was taken by Joseph. What a great picture.

It has been a very productive 4 days off. Pool is closed, trees are trimmed, grass is cut, laundry is done. I am tired today. I trimmed some grass I did not get a chance to do on Saturday. I have had to water plants also, because it has been so dry here. Plants are still dying off and the trees are starting to turn yellow now. Next weekend I have to get the filter and heater apart and put away, as well as all the pool things.

Well, it is back to work tomorrow. I guess vacation has to end sometime. At least it is only for 3 1/2 days then the weekend off.

It has been a beautiful day today, about 84.5. Last night it was in the 40's. Looks like the next week will be in the 80's during the day and in the 50's at night. Is this FALL, or are we still in summer. I kind of understand if we are still in summer since winter was so late to leave this year. It has been good to barbecued every night. Just a quick hamburger with cheese. Something quick.

I heard from Amy today. She had to change her wedding until June 14th. Her Maid of Honor could not come in this February (she lives in MN), so she and Jason decided that a summer wedding would be best all the way around. This way there is only 1 party not 2, and it gives them more time to save up. She said her dad is going to get married in May. Mary is do back in NY tomorrow. She will be living in Utica.

A special Happy Birthday to Kady Jo. Tuesday is her birthday. She is my goddaughter and I speak with her as often as I can on line. She is in college in Utica and will be graduating in December. Then she will be off to RIT in Rochester. I wish her all the best in the world. Luke is out in CO doing very well also. Mary and Bruce have a nice vacation spot to visit if they wish. Love to my special family.

Pastor called on Sunday and invited the Rizzo's and me to a corn dog roast, unfortunately, John and Diana were out 4 wheeling and a picnic, their usual Sunday thing, and I was watching Evie for Diana. I called and thanked him very much for inviting me, but I had to decline.

School starts this week! Please say a special safety prayer for Michael, Mackenzie, and Kiersten as they start school. May the Lord protect them and keep them safe.

I finished Accounting, but I still need to do my project. I am going to try to complete it before the weekend, then start my last class!

Well, I am going to let everyone go, it is getting late and I need to get my dishes cleaned up.

As always, everyone remains in my thoughts and prayers. Love to all.

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