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Friday, September 21, 2007

It's been a while.

Well, there is happy news from Amy and Jason. They just found out they are going to have a baby. It was unexpected, but both are very happy!

Amy is due the end of April or the beginning of May. She is only 7 weeks along. The baby looks very healthy on the ultrasound they did in the ER. She is going to see the GYN sometime soon for further information.

Amy and Jason plan to marry in a private ceremony in December and then have a regular wedding in June. The baby just came unexpectedly and altered their plans a slight bit. Everyone please wish the happy couple their best for a safe, full term, healthy baby boy or girl. Please keep them in your prayers.

Again Friday is here and another short day at work! The weekends seem to be too short! The day light is getting shorter too. It is dark in the morning when I go to work at and remains dark until about 6 or 6:15, then is dark at night at around 7:30, where is the daylight going?

I guess it is fall, but you would never know it by the weather outside, it is more like late spring.

The trees are really turning on the hills over by work, but in our backyard, the leaves are still green? I want to post some pictures, but I will have to take some on my way home from work. We will see what happens, the nights are in the high 40's and low 50's, so it should trigger some changing here too. I did notice that next week, it is suppose to be only in the 60's, maybe we will be getting some frost then too.

Shelly has a new job at Arbys. I think she is enjoying it, but I have not really spoken to her yet. Sue said she only started last Monday and has not really had time to take it all in yet. I wish her may best. When she was working at Dunkin Donuts, she really did enjoy the paychecks she received and missed them when she left there. Good luck to her and I hope she enjoys her new job and the people she is working with.

This afternoon John and Nancy asked me to go over to the plane show. While there I took some great pictures. Everyone should go and see these planes. There were all different styles, sizes, etc. The big show will be tomorrow afternoon (Saturday) starting at 12. Come over and check it out. They will also be flying on Sunday afternoon. There is a $3 donation going toward The Oneonta R/C Flyers. Bring a chair, you can buy food there.

Well, this is going to be a short post, not much is really happening here.

As always, you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay safe, healthy, and happy!

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