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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My first Vacation in a long time!

This is a photo from my seat on the flight from Ohio to Orlando.

Hello everyone. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Myself, I had a fantastic Thanksgiving, I missed my family, but I was in Florida for the holiday! I had my first airplane flights. They were a lot of fun. The only surprise was the first takeoff, after that it was fine. I had to ride on 4 different flights on the round trip and trying to find my way around the airports was interesting. I would love to go back soon!

It was so warm in Florida. I met Jenny, Ron and Andy at the airport. It was so good to see Andy again. A quick welcoming kiss and hug along with introductions to match the faces with the voices. What fantastic people Ron and Jenny are, they quickly became family to me. Jenny and I found out we like and enjoy so many common things. It is like looking at myself in a mirror. They have 2 dogs, Mojo and Shilo and beautiful birds. They are so much fun and I miss them so much. I hope to return to Florida on another vacation soon if I can swing it.

Andy cooked Thanksgiving dinner, what a spread and a fantastic cook! He can cook for me anytime, the food was unbelievable. I went to the beach and I got to walk in the waves. The water was still pretty warm and it felt so good to have the water on my feet and legs. It brought back so many memories of Long Island and of Jones Beach when my Mom use to take us to the beach every weekend as we grew up. I always loved the beach and living upstate NY, we do not have any beaches here.

Just spending time relaxing was well worth it. I really needed a rest and a vacation from NY. The last time I took a vacation was with my mom back in 1996 and that was for just a few days to the Island. If I have my chance, I will definitely go back in a heart beat. Photos of my vacation are on the photo gallery.

I seem to be very behind in my cards for Christmas. I usually have them out by black Friday, not this year. I really need to get them out as soon as I can, I will not feel right until I get them sent out.

Well everyone, I have a very talented nephew. You need to check out some new pictures I downloaded from his blog site. Here is a sample:

Please check out other photos that Joseph has taken, they are located in my photo gallery or you can link to his photos from his blog.

Amy and Jason are getting married on Saturday. Please everyone say a special prayer for them for a long and happy marriage and for their future child.

As always I wish everyone a very Happy Christmas season, may it be safe, healthy and happy. I wish everyone safe travel for all those that are going to family and friends homes.

I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Please, everyone stay safe.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Good Sunday Morning Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Life is wonderful! Went to a beautiful wedding yesterday. Jesse and Ruth were married at the Mt Vision Baptist Church. What a beautiful bride. She wore her mothers veil and her dress was beautiful, the whole wedding party looked great! I have a few photos, my camera batteries died when the pastor and Ruth were walking down the isle. Pastor had a few good giggles added to the ceremony. The cake was really nice and had their monogram on it. Photos are on the gallery.

It is another cold morning here. The day time highs have only been about 35 or so. This morning it is a blue birdy day, with some dots of clouds in the sky. A nice frost on the ground just makes everything shimmer.

Amy and Jason's wedding is the next on the agenda. They will be married on December 1st at the Davenport Fire Hall with a small gathering to follow. Amy and Jason are getting so excited and I can not blame them with 2 happy events going on in their lives, the wedding then the birth of their first child in May. Everyone please say a special prayer for the happy couple and for a healthy and happy baby.

Well, Thanksgiving is this week. I am going to Chris and Kim's for Thanksgiving. We have really good cooks preparing the meal, and I know we all will be full when the dinner is over. I am looking forward to being with my family and wish everyone a "Happy Thanksgiving". I hope all that have to travel any distance, have a safe trip. I see the weather forecast here for Thursday, is not good. Looks like we are going to have a mix of rain and or snow showers. The temperatures are forecast to be in the low 40's during the day and in the 20's at night. I am planning on coming home from Chris and Kim's that night so I will have to drive with caution for interstate 81/88 may be slippery in spots with black ice.

To my new friends in FL, I know for sure that you will be having a good dinner, you have a fantastic cook. I wish I could be there to enjoy it with you. All of you will be on my mind and I will be there in spirit, especially if Ron happens to set a place for me again by accident, lol. Love to all of you! I am only a phone call away as you know will miss you guys.

Nothing else really happening here today. I wish you all again a "Happy Thanksgiving".

As always, you all are always in my thoughts and prayers!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

BURRRRR it's COLD here!

This is Joseph and one of the photo's he took. He is very talented when taking photo's. I do have a link to his site and some of his photo's on my gallery page. Hope you enjoy them, they make good desktop photo's, I know, I use them often.
I woke up this morning about 5:30, the temperature was 18.1, the sky was clear, the stars were out and beautiful. I knew it was going to be the coldest night yet, but did not expect it to get that cold. There was fog hanging over everything too. Talk about frost, anything that survived the past frosts, surely did not survive this one. After the snow yesterday, I think I will pull the snow blower out and put it beside the stoop, just in case. I really don't expect to have any accumulating snow in the near future, but it does not hurt to be ready.

The birds are at both my bird feeders. I even see the Cardinals are here too, both male and female. The blue jays are here as well as a variety of small birds. I wish I could share this time with you, they are so beautiful.

I was kind of blue yesterday, but that changed when I heard from my special friend. I have been trying to get my class done so I can concentrate on getting my projects done for school and graduate. I just found out the university has periodic graduation ceremony's. I just may find out when the next one will be after I complete my semester and fly down and have an official graduation ceremony.

I heard from Kim yesterday. She wants to see how much the downstairs of the fire hall will be to hold Amy's wedding there. She asked if I would be willing to put in some money for the rental of the hall. I told her I needed to know how much first. My money is very tight right now. I think it is very nice that she is willing to do this for her sister. Amy has invited about 20 people to the wedding and she wanted to hold it in her mom's house. I do not think you can fit that many people in a trailer. I hope Diane understands why Kim wants to do this and I hope Kim and Diane can put their differences aside and start talking with each other on the wedding.

Not much else is really going on today so I will close now. I will have more news next week with Ruth and Jesse's wedding on Saturday.

My love to all. As always, you all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The First Real Snowfall

I woke up this morning to a blanket of snow on the ground and about an inch or more on my car. It is not much, but it is white. I have included the pictures in my gallery. I really hope you all enjoy them.

I had my hair cut yesterday. I hope you enjoy the photo, it is a little windblown.

Life has been very uneventful here this week. Amy had her ultrasound and they have photos of the baby. Jason was present when they did the ultrasound and was very excited too. I wish them both the best. Amy picked out her crib, but has nothing else. Diane is buying little things, but Amy and Jason are really starting from scratch. Their wedding is coming up quickly, December 1st.

Ruth and Jesse are getting married on the 17th of November and I am looking forward to going to the wedding. Jesse is due to come up this Monday and Ruth is so excited. It has been months since she saw him. Her face just lights up when she speaks about him.

Next week is Thanksgiving. It is going to be a busy week for me. I have my blood work that has to be done on Wednesday, I have to get stamps for my Christmas Cards, and I think I may drive down to Chris's that night and stay over. I plan on coming home on Thursday night. On Friday I want to get the Cards out. I know that Black Friday is a day I don't want to go near any stores, too many people. If I don't get the Christmas tree up on Wednesday, I will be putting it up on Friday. I will put the lights on it and Nancy will decorate it when she gets home. I am really going to enjoy having Wednesday to Sunday off. Unfortunatlly, I have to make up an hour on Monday or Tuesday for the hour I will be missing on Wednesday, a job thing.

This Thursday and Friday, the plant will be giving out turkeys to all the employees. The turkeys will be averaging about 22-24 lbs. They are usually pretty tastey. Mine will be going in the freezer.

Since Christmas and snow are my favorite times of the year, I found this poem and thought you may enjoy it.

In His Hands

The Hands that made the world and gave the sun and moon their light
And the tiny Hands of a baby born one cold December night….
The Hands that stilled the wind and tamed the furry of the sea
And the calloused Hands of a carpenter who lived in poverty…
The Hands that held the power to break the binding chains of sin
are the gentle hands that washed the feet of the tired and dusty men…
The Hands that cleansed the leper, healed the blind and raised the dead
Are the praying Hands of the one who cried, “Not My will, but Thine instead…”
The Hands that shaped the universe and flung the stars in space
Are the nail-pierced hands of a dying man who suffered in our place…
The Hands of our creator, Lord and King of Heaven above
Are the Saviors Hands, forever reaching out to us with love.

I am going to close this blog for today. I may write some more tomorrow, we will see.

As always, you all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Another damp day.

Well, today was suppose to be sunny, but it is not meant to be. The weather has taken a sharp change over the past few weeks. We now have normal average highs with a few degrees below the average some days. We are expecting some flurries Wednesday and Friday. I should see them because they will happen while I am driving to work at 5 am.

I am getting like a little child. Christmas is coming and it is my favorite time of the year. I really hope we will have snow for Christmas. It has gotten so commercial, which is sad. It still will not dampen my spirits. I know the season does not officially start until after Thanksgiving, black Friday. This will be the 7th year with out mom. I do need to get up to the cemetery and put her wreath on the stone before the cemetery closes.

Things have been going very well up here. I am very happy. I really think I may have found someone that I can be happy with. Keep your fingers and toes crossed.

Amy will be going for her ultrasound this week. She and Jason want to know the sex of the baby. Their wedding is coming up quick also. December 1st will be here before you know it.

I imed with Joe the other night, he sounds good. He was at work so we could not talk too long. I told him I was looking forward to him coming back for Christmas. I am looking forward to my trip to Chris's for Thanksgiving. I miss them a lot and it has been since Kiersten's birthday since I saw them. It will be here before you know it.

We had craft day with Evie and Gertrude. We did a simple picture frame with a fall theme. They both seemed to enjoy themselves so much. I know that their daughter and son, respectively could enjoy the afternoon off to do what they want and not have to worry about their moms. Everyone, including Sue Ellis and Ruth had a great time. A few sticky fingers fromt the glue and sparkles, but it was great. I so look forward the the next time.

I met some new friends, Ron and Jenny. They are friends of Andy's and now mine. Jenny and I are becoming good friends.

As always, you are always on my mind and in my thoughts and prayers.