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Saturday, July 28, 2007

From our gardens to you

This picture is from our gardens. If you double click on the picture, it comes in closer and you can see the flowers better. I hope you enjoy this picture and all the pictures in the album. I would have taken more, but Diane's wedding is still on my camera. She said she would be over tomorrow to download the photos for her album.

Well, it has finally rained! We received more than half an inch. The flowers loved it though, as well as the grass. I cut the grass today, boy was it long. It looks nice though. The flowers just pop from the ground now.

John and Nancy are up at Ginnie's in St. Johnsville. I hope the weather is sunny for the barbecue that they are having. I am hoping all the family had a safe drive up. It is a Gerold reunion of immediate family.

Me, I am working on my Data Processing book. My last lesson to be exact. I am getting so confused. Does anyone know anything about data processing? I did receive my accounting book in the mail today. Six lessons to that course. I like Accounting, so it should go quickly, I hope.

I received my "sprinkler system" from lakeside in the mail today. I hope it works, it will save having to move the sprinklers every so many minutes. It comes with 3 sprinkler heads and 3 pieces of hose. You hook it up to the hose and you have may different types of spray.

I have not heard from Andy lately. I hope all is going well for him. Please say a prayer for things to resolve quickly.

I got to work in Oneonta on Friday! It was great not to have to drive all the way out to Hobart. Dean and I worked right up to 10:57. We only took a 5 minute break that am, just long enough to charge the forklift a little bit. When we left, we still had 8 pallets to put away, but ran out of time. Maybe next Friday, since they brought down more product this Friday. We will see.

This Wednesday I have my EMG appointment. I get to leave work one hour early. It should be interesting. Dr. Lazardo will tell me the results of my MRI when I see him. Maybe I will have some answers as to why this happened and what caused it, we will see.

East Islip made the news this week. An altar boy was caught on tape breaking in to the poor box at St. Mary's church. I am glad that they caught him.

Well, this is going to be a short post. Qualifying is on for Nextel Cup and I need to get back to homework. I will keep you all in my prayers. Please stay safe and healthy.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Amy's getting married!

Looks like another wedding is in the future!

Amy and Jason are going to get married February 16, 2008. They have been talking about it for about a month now and just made the announcement after Diane's wedding. Both Amy and Jason are very happy about it and he is a very good man. I know he will take very good care of her. He is very level headed and she needs some one like that. She is talking about getting married in the River Street Baptist Church. They really have not made any other plans as of yet, but I do expect to hear soon on what they will be doing.

Wal*Mart called me back to apologize for the inconvenience that was caused that night. The publisher had detailed instructions on how the book was to be rolled out. The manager left those instruction high lighted and taped to the counter in electronics along with the bracelets, apparently the workers ignored those instruction and did what they wanted.

I have not really read the book lately, it has been so busy here and at work. I am at chapter 6 right now and intend to read some later tonight.

Alice is doing well, still a little bump under the skin by the eye, but it will take time to go down her DR said. Oh, welcome to my site Alice, I hope you enjoy the information and pictures.

A lot of yard work to do. The grass is growing like weeds since we had so much rain the last few days. I did cut the lower 40 this afternoon after work. Tomorrow is another day to cut. I am just finishing watering Nans flowers. She weeded the beds all day long. A lot of weeds grew since her last weeding.

Tomorrow is Thursday! YEAH!!!! One more day and only for 4 hours on Friday. This month seemed to fly by. Just think, Wednesday is August 1st.

Don't forget the Otsego County Fair begins next week. Roger and Timmy will be running in the Demolition Derby on Thursday, August 2ed.

Well, this is good night everyone. Hope your week has been good, safe, and you all have stayed healthy. Remember, you all are always in my thoughts and my prayers. Stay Safe and Well.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Diane's Wedding Day

The day is finally here, it is Diane and Michael's wedding day.

The weather is suppose to be nice and sunny, she is having the wedding at the rod and gun club in East Meridith next to a pond with great views. I need to put new batteries in my camera and clear the card so I can take pictures. I am suppose to walk her down the isle and then I will be changing in to pants and sneakers, my favorite get-up to relax in. I hope all goes smoothly for her.

The wedding went off great. She looks so good. She told me after the cermony, while we spoke privately, she wished mom was here. I told her mom would have been proud and she is looking down on the whole thing. We both shed some tears. She also told me she was so happy and that she felt like she was missing a puzzle peice of herself and that Michael completed that puzzle. He said that he only made it official today, but he has felt married to her since they met over a year ago. He knew he would marry her and they would be happy forever. Things ran so long, that I never got to see them cut the cake. I left at 7 and the band started to play. I wish them the best. And Michael, welcome to the family!

John and Nancy are going to an air show down in Gilbertsville today. His RC club is sponsoring it to benefit Hospice. Great day for flying. John's friend, Chris Brown, from school is coming down from Potsdam with a vendor and John can not wait to see him. Good luck with the Air Show!

It was a long night last night at Wal*Mart. Shelly and I went over at 7 to stand in line so at 8 we could get our bracelets to reserve our space in line. The assistant manager Evelyn did some trivia with us and she was so gracious to everyone that was waiting. We returned at 11 to find out that the employees in electronics were handing out any color bracelet anyone wanted, instead of red for 8-9, yellow for 9-10, blue for 10-11, and green for 11-12. Then to top it off, the people with red bracelets, had to wait in one line and the green bracelets in the other, so everyone that came at 8 got screwed for coming in early. Those that came later got their books before the people that made the effort to come at 8 and wait. I had people ahead of me that had just arrived at the store and did not even have a bracelet, and they got their books before I did. To top the whole night off, their card scanners did not work in the old layaway where they were handing out the books. We asked the dept manager if we could check out at the front register, but he said to go the electronics register. Then the cashier at the register told us the register was for pre-orders only. I told him that the dept. manager told us to come here. I finally checked out and left the store. Bryan, the dept manager, was trying to handle all the problems that just kept creeping up, and did a great job with what he had. A lot of people just bypassed the electronics register and went up to the front of the store. LOL Wal*Mart was very unorganized for this book roll out! It was good in theory, but not everyone who was to be involved in the back, really did not know what was going on, what bracelets to hand out, etc.

I took Shelly home and when I finally settled in to bed, began the book. I only got to chapter 2 and was so tired from being up since 4:30 that morning.

It has been a long day and I am tired. I am going to bid you all a good night. Everyone please say a prayer for Diane and Michael for a long and happy life together. May their love grow stronger every day and may they alway not only remain lovers, but friends too.

You all are in my thoughts and prayers always.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Over the Hump Day

It is Wednesday! The week is more than half over. 9 hrs tomorrow and 4 on Friday. I can not wait!

Well, it looks like the pain in my calf may be a nerve problem stemming from who knows where. MRI on Friday then EMG's on Aug 1st.. Then it is back to see Melissa in the office.
Grin and Bear.

It is getting closer to Diane's wedding and she is out shopping for food today. She told me that a group of ladies will be cooking all day Friday for the reception on Saturday. She asked me yesterday if I could make Swedish meatballs for over 100 people for Saturday. I told her no way, I did not have enough time to make that many. I would have to make 25-30 pounds of meat and it would take about 10 hours to cook that much. She understood but just thought of it. If she had given me some notice, I may have done it for her.

Nan is out working on her gardens, they look so good. She is also feeding all the the flowers. When she feeds them they become so vibrant and grow like weeds.

John is working on his burn barrel heater, which seems to be working pretty good. Now it is finding wood to burn.

I worked in Oneonta for about an hour today. It was good to get home at 3:40 instead of 4:15.

John and I were talking about what plane dad flew in during WWII. I was looking up on the Navy site and gave the information to John so he can follow through. I found some photos of dad and they are in one of my albums under Joanne's photos listed in the right column of the blog. If you want any photos of him or of mom and dad, see the album.

This is going to be a short post so I will update most likely on Saturday after Diane's wedding reception. The post will include Photos! Until then, everyone please stay safe and healthy.

As always, you remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Busy Monday. La Da la di da da

Well now, here it is Monday again and back to work. Yesterday was a sewing day. Nancy's skirt, which I am going to add a zipper to and Diane's Wedding dress.

Sewing is so relaxing for me until it came to the wedding dress, that was a challenge for me. She looked so beautiful in it.

I am looking forward to the wedding on Saturday the 21st. Her and Michael are so in love with each other and they are friends too. It is too bad Kimberly has another wedding she committed to last year, so she will not be at the wedding. Mary is in Texas so she will not be there either. Amy is in the wedding with her boyfriend.

Well, the sun is shining here again. We are all hoping for some rain soon. All the creeks are low as well as many ponds. The grass and plants are crying for rain also.

Nancy's flowers are all coming out so pretty here is a picture of her lily garden out by the stump in between both houses. Are they not pretty?

She is doing such a good job with the gardens. It shows she really has a green thumb.

I have added a new link to Amy's blog on my site. She has altered it enough I feel comfortable adding it so everyone can check it out. Bare with her she is new at it and and I think more changes are in the near future. I keep giving her suggestions on how to make it more appealing to us older people and not just her friends. I reminded her that not all people like the same things she does. For her aunts and uncles to look at the site, she had to clean it up, which she did.

Well, I may have torn a tendon in my leg, so it is off the the Ortho MD tomorrow. I thought I may have gotten a blood clot, it hurt like a sharp needle being slammed in to the calf of my leg. I still went to work and plan on working regardless of the outcome.

Weather shows maybe shower tomorrow in to Wednesday. We will see.

Well, it is time to say goodbye for now.

I wish everyone a very safe and healthy life. Everyone is in my thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Beautiful Saturday Morning!

What a beautiful morning it is! The fog has burned off, and the sun is shining, birds are singing... John and Nan are off to Gilbertsville to fly his plane. He is practicing take off and landings for the air show next week. They are have a show of remote controlled planes, all types for three days. Today is Garage Sale Day here in West Oneonta. I may just take a walk around and see how many people are having one and what they are selling.

Happy Birthday to Karen! Your not getting older, but better. Have a safe and happy birthday cousin.

Up date on Dr. Joan, she is better and getting around more. Great to hear, I hope her recovery speeds along quickly.

I have not spoken with Alice yet, but I will give her a call and see how she is recovering and what caused the fall. Get well soon please.

Shelly and I went to see Harry Potter 5 yesterday. Good Movie! It did not have as much in it as the book did though. The other movies, I think, contained as much as the books did, but this one did not. It had good action scenes and great graphics. It is a must see for all you Harry Potter fans, and even if your not one.

The last book is coming out at midnight on Friday, I am going to go over with Shelly and get our copies. I will most likely start reading it then too. JK Rowling is such a good writer and this is such a good series. I recommend it to people who enjoy light reading. It is about good and evil and the struggle of over coming adversity in ones life. Don't look at it as witches and wizards, that is just a background thing. It is about life and the struggles of 3 teenagers growing up with life's challenges and adventures.

Well, today is going to be working on school work. I really need to get the class done. John and I did the lawn Thursday and Friday, so it is done for the weekend. Nothing really pressing needs to be done, so school work it is.

Nancy told me about joining MSN messenger, aka Windows Live, Joseph recommended it to her, then she told me about it. I downloaded it, and it is great. They have good graphics and it is easy to use. I will maintain my AIM site also, for I know many people who are on that one. It is just getting use to something new, which sometimes is not so easy for us older people who do not relate to change easy. I invite all who wish to join us on MSN messenger, to come over and take a look. http://www.msn.com/ My address for the site is joanne.boman@hotmail.com

I will be maintaining my regular mail site that everyone has now, joannboman@stny.rr.com, so if you have my address, great if not please take note of it. If anyone is on the MSN messenger site already, please let me know.

I will update as thing become more interesting, so I say my goodbyes for now.

You are all always in my thoughts and my prayers. Keep Safe and Healthy!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Humid, Humid, Humid

The weather has been nuts here. One minute it is sunny and beautiful, the next minute black clouds then off and on showers. If we are going to get rain, let it rain for a full day so that the plants get a good watering! These brief showers just get the surface wet and not down to the roots. Maybe this week it looks like we may get a few good periods of rain.

After watering the plants they seem to come back strong. They are looking great! Nans lilies are coming up and opening up pretty nice. I had a picture on my last entry of one of her flowers. I went out this morning and loosened the soil in the main garden to help the water absorb into the ground, if it rains. I am finding little holes in some of the gardens where bulbs use to be. I do not know what is digging up bulbs that are 10" down, but they are. I don't know what I am going to plant next year, but if I do bulbs it is going to be earlier, so they have a chance to root in place and maybe the animals will leave them alone.

Shelly is getting set for school, I faxed her paperwork back to the school and they called her to get financial aid settled. I hope she called them back. We will see.

Timmy is getting ready for the demolishing derby next week on Friday and Saturday. He is hoping to run in both. We will see if he can and what he does.

Diane is planning to marry on the 21st. Everything is suppose to be settled and signed by the judge on Thursday the 12th. I hope all comes together for her so she can concentrate on just being happy. I wish everyone would wish her well too. I really wish both of my sisters would get along and stop being so pig headed. My mother must be turning in her grave seeing how they argue and talk with each other. Right now they are not even speaking. Everyone deserves happiness in their life. She wants me to alter her gown and all we are waiting for is for her to get her shoes and undergarments so she can try the dress on. She said there is not too much to do to the dress only the halter part which is too big. We will see. I am expecting to see her later this week so we can get it altered and done. It is cutting it too close to the day.

I hope everyone had a safe and fun vacation over the fourth. Our fire works were cancelled until Labor day.

In closing, everyone please stay safe and healthy. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Fourth of July

Happy 4th to everyone!

I hope everyone is able to have a safe and happy fourth celebration. Unfortunately, it is raining here. I do not think that the festival in the park or the fireworks are going to happen. If they do, I think that the crowd will be small. If it rains tonight, I think Oneonta will move them to Saturday, we will see.

I fed all the birds including the humming birds. Matter of fact, the yellow finches are all trying to eat out of the thistle feeder by the window, there are 5-6 of them trying to feed. They are outside singing, which is very relaxing to listen to. The rain is also relaxing.

I was out yesterday looking at the flowers, they are coming along nicely, the day lilies are opening up, they are so pretty and a vibrant yellow.

I am trying to get starting on my homework for school. I only have 4 lessons left in this class, I can't wait to get it done. I really don't like data processing too much. It is a lot harder than the title says.

I need to get hold of Joseph and see if he can show me how or tell me how to do photo attachments so when you click on a picture it will bring you to an album with other pictures in it.

Again, everyone have a great fourth. Please stay safe and healthy.

You are all on my mind and in my prayers.

This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father. It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you. This I command you: Love one another. John 15: 12-17

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Special Day Today

Happy 35th Anniversary John and Nancy!

I remember that day 35 years ago. One of the memories was in the church when nan's mom spotted a bee in her veil and everyone trying to shoo it out. John in his brown glasses, and a very good time at the reception.

We had a funny with the 35 too. David will be 3 this year and Kiersten will be 5.

In 1975, Christopher came along, what a day when they told us they were going to have a baby. The order was in.

In 1982, Joseph came along. He was a joy also. He was in to all the same things his brother was doing.

Both boys grew up to be very special young men and my neighbor told me "what fine successful young men John and Nancy raised. They should be very proud".

John and Nancy went out to dinner today and when they get home I will have an Ice Cream cake for them.

Everyone please wish John and Nan another 35 loving, happy, and healthy years to come.

Other things happening today. It is beautiful outside today, it is only 65 degrees, sun is shining, a little windy though. Today, though, I will be inside reading my Data Base Processing text book trying to catch back up on my school work. I am about 3 weeks behind, ouch. The Nextel race is also on, so I will have that on in the background.

I heard from Auntie Alice on Friday, She fell, but she said she is ok as of Saturday. She does not know what happened. Her shoes stopped, but she kept going. No broken bones, just lots of black and blue around her face, etc. Please keep her in your prayers for fast healing. May the lord also keep her safe and healthy.

This is going to be a busy week. I have to work 10 hour days on Monday and Tuesday to make up my hour for Wed and Thurs. I have Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sunday off. I think it is the longest vacation I have had in a few years. I do not know what I am doing those days, but I will enjoy them off anyway. I know Friday I have to have the oil changed, tires rotated, sounds like fun.

I hope everyone has a very safe and happy 4th. If you are driving, please drive carefully and safely. If you are going to fireworks enjoy!

You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay Healthy, happy and safe.