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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Diane's Wedding Day

The day is finally here, it is Diane and Michael's wedding day.

The weather is suppose to be nice and sunny, she is having the wedding at the rod and gun club in East Meridith next to a pond with great views. I need to put new batteries in my camera and clear the card so I can take pictures. I am suppose to walk her down the isle and then I will be changing in to pants and sneakers, my favorite get-up to relax in. I hope all goes smoothly for her.

The wedding went off great. She looks so good. She told me after the cermony, while we spoke privately, she wished mom was here. I told her mom would have been proud and she is looking down on the whole thing. We both shed some tears. She also told me she was so happy and that she felt like she was missing a puzzle peice of herself and that Michael completed that puzzle. He said that he only made it official today, but he has felt married to her since they met over a year ago. He knew he would marry her and they would be happy forever. Things ran so long, that I never got to see them cut the cake. I left at 7 and the band started to play. I wish them the best. And Michael, welcome to the family!

John and Nancy are going to an air show down in Gilbertsville today. His RC club is sponsoring it to benefit Hospice. Great day for flying. John's friend, Chris Brown, from school is coming down from Potsdam with a vendor and John can not wait to see him. Good luck with the Air Show!

It was a long night last night at Wal*Mart. Shelly and I went over at 7 to stand in line so at 8 we could get our bracelets to reserve our space in line. The assistant manager Evelyn did some trivia with us and she was so gracious to everyone that was waiting. We returned at 11 to find out that the employees in electronics were handing out any color bracelet anyone wanted, instead of red for 8-9, yellow for 9-10, blue for 10-11, and green for 11-12. Then to top it off, the people with red bracelets, had to wait in one line and the green bracelets in the other, so everyone that came at 8 got screwed for coming in early. Those that came later got their books before the people that made the effort to come at 8 and wait. I had people ahead of me that had just arrived at the store and did not even have a bracelet, and they got their books before I did. To top the whole night off, their card scanners did not work in the old layaway where they were handing out the books. We asked the dept manager if we could check out at the front register, but he said to go the electronics register. Then the cashier at the register told us the register was for pre-orders only. I told him that the dept. manager told us to come here. I finally checked out and left the store. Bryan, the dept manager, was trying to handle all the problems that just kept creeping up, and did a great job with what he had. A lot of people just bypassed the electronics register and went up to the front of the store. LOL Wal*Mart was very unorganized for this book roll out! It was good in theory, but not everyone who was to be involved in the back, really did not know what was going on, what bracelets to hand out, etc.

I took Shelly home and when I finally settled in to bed, began the book. I only got to chapter 2 and was so tired from being up since 4:30 that morning.

It has been a long day and I am tired. I am going to bid you all a good night. Everyone please say a prayer for Diane and Michael for a long and happy life together. May their love grow stronger every day and may they alway not only remain lovers, but friends too.

You all are in my thoughts and prayers always.

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