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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Humid, Humid, Humid

The weather has been nuts here. One minute it is sunny and beautiful, the next minute black clouds then off and on showers. If we are going to get rain, let it rain for a full day so that the plants get a good watering! These brief showers just get the surface wet and not down to the roots. Maybe this week it looks like we may get a few good periods of rain.

After watering the plants they seem to come back strong. They are looking great! Nans lilies are coming up and opening up pretty nice. I had a picture on my last entry of one of her flowers. I went out this morning and loosened the soil in the main garden to help the water absorb into the ground, if it rains. I am finding little holes in some of the gardens where bulbs use to be. I do not know what is digging up bulbs that are 10" down, but they are. I don't know what I am going to plant next year, but if I do bulbs it is going to be earlier, so they have a chance to root in place and maybe the animals will leave them alone.

Shelly is getting set for school, I faxed her paperwork back to the school and they called her to get financial aid settled. I hope she called them back. We will see.

Timmy is getting ready for the demolishing derby next week on Friday and Saturday. He is hoping to run in both. We will see if he can and what he does.

Diane is planning to marry on the 21st. Everything is suppose to be settled and signed by the judge on Thursday the 12th. I hope all comes together for her so she can concentrate on just being happy. I wish everyone would wish her well too. I really wish both of my sisters would get along and stop being so pig headed. My mother must be turning in her grave seeing how they argue and talk with each other. Right now they are not even speaking. Everyone deserves happiness in their life. She wants me to alter her gown and all we are waiting for is for her to get her shoes and undergarments so she can try the dress on. She said there is not too much to do to the dress only the halter part which is too big. We will see. I am expecting to see her later this week so we can get it altered and done. It is cutting it too close to the day.

I hope everyone had a safe and fun vacation over the fourth. Our fire works were cancelled until Labor day.

In closing, everyone please stay safe and healthy. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

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